Chapter six: The multiverse

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Frisk's POV:

It's.. not what I expected from a gateway to all universes. The sky is yellow, and everywhere I look there is a piece of paper hanging in the air. Betty is already floating around, thinking where we need to go. 'HorrorTale is hard to find. When they said multiverse I actually hoped there were like.. between five and ten. But these are hundreds of different creations.' She continues to look around. All I can think about is what we should do. We don't even know if Chara and Nightmare went to HorrorTale yet, and by going there before them we might die. How would Nightmare think.. He'd probably bring him to a few good universes first before going to a bad one, so he might be in UnderSwap or OuterTale right now. As I look at the universes, I realise that neither me or Betty can just go in. We need to find someone who can. Above of us is the hole we came from. Chara's world. The Sans we quickly ran past earlier is just looking at us. 'Yo yo, you can't leave by yourself dippy dawg.' What? Is he dumb? 'You're gonna need mah bro Ink for that, and he's on an adventure right now bro.' He keeps rambling on, but I stopped listening. Ink.. we have heard of him before. He might be after Chara right now. 'Betty, we'll wa-' A skeleton with a scarf and a paintbrush appears in front of me. 'Someone called my name. Do you two need help?' His eyes change colours a lot, so I'm getting kind of distracted. Betty is too far away to look at his eyes, so she quickly answers. 'We are looking for a friend of us. He probably is in UnderSwap, OuterTale or HorrorTale.' Ink smiles. 'I can help you with that. What are their names?' Wait.. isn't Ink our enemy? 'BETTY WA-' She responded too soon. 'Cross Chara and Nightmare.' As I look at Ink, his smile dissapears and before I could realise how screwed we are, I get hit with a paintbrush.

Betty's POV:

'Did you just hit my boyfriend?' That was rude but I think I realise why he did that. Looking at him, it's Ink. So he's one of the guys that is trying to stop us. 'KUMU!' He quickly appears and turns into a scythe. Some kind of purple ink comes towards me, luckily it's not hard to dodge. 'Sorry kid, but you're on the wrong side here. I have to stop you.' He slashes again, but this time black ink comes out. I'm barely able to attack like this. The ink cuts through my arm. 'Alright Kumu.. he's not.. going to play fair.. then why should we?' He's not the only one who has that kind of tricks. After a quick peek in his memory I can see a strong bond with another skeleton. Time to make him see the ones he truly loved. His expression is priceless, they always are. Mouth and eyes wide open, and in shock. Ink isn't moving, so I'm finally able to land a hit on him. After I hit him away, he just floats in the air. Maybe he wants to be beaten up? As I approach him, bones shoot at me. Akumu is blocking it for me, but there's a lot of them. 'Do we still have enough power for THAT?' Akumu nods. As I use rhapdophobia, I look up with a grin on my face, before I realise that it didn't work. Ink stands up and looks at me. 'I protect the multiverse, don't think that I don't know who you were before you started dating Frisk, Bête Noire. As soon as I noticed you were going to use rhapdophobia, all I had to do was quickly make all my attacks dissapear. Now you can't use it for a while, so it's time to end this battle.' He paints me with purple ink, which chains me up. 'Where were those two again?' He puts me next to Frisk and looks at the universes.

Nightmare's POV:

As weird as it sounds, I kind of miss Betty and Frisk. Not that I want them here, but their fear when I did something that they disliked was enjoyable at some point. Chara is ready to take the people away from here. He got emotional about it and it truly annoyed me. Maybe if he cried for like, a minute, it would have been enjoyable, but he wanted to create a fountain of tears for five minutes straight. The monsters here reminded them of the monsters from his universe. His "friends". At least he didn't tell all the good memories he had with them. If he did, I'd just turn into a puddle and leave, because I don't have to hear stuff about friendship. As I look around, people start to dissapear. Sadly I won't let him finish this quest. Even though we came very far, he is a softy now. He cries and can only think about Betty and Frisk, so Chara isn't able to bring me bad emotions anymore, meaning he broke our deal. 'Nightmare, we're done here. I'd like to see Frisk and Betty again, can you bring us home?' I'll get you home, with a little detour. 'Of course Chara' As I teleport us both to HorrorTale, he looks around. 'I think you teleported us to somewhere else Nightmare, did you make a mistake?' Does he not realise I'm not helping him anymore? Let's make it clear myself then. 'Kid, you have been of good use, but I don't get enough negative emotions from you. There is only one way to fix that, because nothing is more negative than DEATH!' He turns pale, I can feel fear, regret and hatred coming from his body. Before he can hit me I teleport up to a save place. He yells at me.

Cross Chara's POV:

'YOU TRAITOR, WE WOULD WORK TOGETHER TILL THE END!' I can hear someone walking around in the bushes. It's not Nightmare, that idiot is waiting for me to die. He had a reason to bring me here, so someone is out to kill me. As I look around I realise that Frisk and Betty were right. A guy who only wants negative emotions can do insane things to get them, and this is one of those things. Someone runs at me and slashes, I had my knife prepared though, so I'm able to block it. 'You are here to kill me, so I'll kill you.' Another Sans.. This will ve an issue. He can hit me all he wants, but for me, it'll be impossible to even be close to hurting him. Tons of bones spawn above me and quickly drop down and as I run away, he makes me trip and grabs his axe. The axe stabs through the ground in full force. I was able to roll away and stand up just in time. Nightmare is laughing and screaming a chant. 'GO SANS GO, GO SANS GO.' It's annoying and distracting, so I quickly overwrite his mouth. Maybe it's time to use it against this Sans as well, but begore I'm able to overwrite him, he slashes at me with full force. If I stand still for even a second, he attacks. Is there nothing I can do to beat this guy?

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