Extra one: Sans

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Fell's POV:

He didn't come back. He never will. The other me can look around for his stupid portals but I know he betrayed us. 'Hey, dude. Stop looking around. That prick doesn't want us on his team so he left us stranded here! This isn't even our universe!' I hate it here. The entire place is broken down because of that stupid kid. Footsteps approach me and the other me sits down. 'I am not looking for him to join his team. I just want to go home. Ink just pulled me in this adventure and I'm ready to quit. Something feels odd about him.' So the other me is paranoid? Cool. 'Yea I'm just hiding from my brother, but staying here sucks. Look at the chaos that the kid created. It's all bro-' Other me interrupts me. 'The kid told me something.. he said Ink was lying. He was doing something wrong.. and-' Now it's my turn to interrupt. 'YOU TRUST THAT LITTLE BRAT? HE TRIED TO KILL US AND SO DID TENTACLE ME. WE NEED TO STOP THEM!' Other me just stares in front of him. 'You are wasting too much energy.. but the look in his eyes.. I could see a lot of pain in them..'

Sans' POV:

He is already rambling about me being naive, but I trust that kid more than Ink. He hasn't really shown any emotion after the kid killed the Sans and Papyrus from here. I was too slow to stop him, but afterwards I was able to beat him up. When he talked to me though.. the expression towards Ink.. and that vial.. there is something that Ink isn't telling me, and as much as I'd like to go home, I'm going to figure it out. I slowly stand up and start to look. Maybe there is someone who can help us? If there are so many of us then there must be one that can navigate through this place. 'Hello? Anyone here?' Why am I trying that? They're all dead. 'What's up pal?' A version of me with a crown, cape and bow shows up behind me. 'Who are you?' He smiles. 'I'm Dream, and I felt your positivity to help someone. Who is it?' If he is friends with Ink, I have to choose my words carefully to be able to leave. 'Ehm.. it's a friend of mine, I'm just not sure where he is.' Dream turns his head a bit. 'I guess we can always ask Ink.. that guy wants to come with us as well I suppose?' If I go to Ink I can never help the kid. He won't let me go to his enemy. Maybe I don't have to though. Eventually he'll bring me to him. 'Go ahead.' Dream smiles and grabs the wrist of the other me. 'Alright, let's go to Ink! Protector of the multiverse!' Let's hope he isn't in a battle right now, he'd force me to fight the kid. Dream teleports us to Ink. He and some creepy dude are staring at something, and now they are going inside a universe. Other me wants to run after them but I quickly grab his jacket and pull him back. 'Now is not the time.. I want to see what's going on in there first.' Let's see what Ink is truly up to.

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