Chapter nine: Back home

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Ink's POV:

Sadly, they won't believe me. I can't make them change their minds. XGaster is not a bad guy, he's just trying to make the perfect universe. But his creation turned against him. Why? Why would you fight someone who wants the best for you? A part of his soul is still in the vial.. it's time to let him out, before they find me. Loud cracking noises can be heard as the vial shatters on the ground. 'Thank you Ink. You released me sooner than I thought. Why did you do that?' We both agreed to let him loose when Chara was near, but something odd happened. 'Chara isn't the only one with determination who's trying to fight you anymore. We have a new contestant. Frisk. He might not look strong, but his determination is. How about we take it from him when he doesn't expect it?' XGaster smiles and looks at HorrorTale. 'I can feel the power coming off of him. He just doesn't use it as much as Chara. And the best part is that it's his own. We will take Frisk his determination first, and then I can teach Chara a lesson. Who is that other girl?' I'm not sure if I have to worry about Betty. Nightmare knocked her out with a few hits, so we should be able to take her down easily.. she won't be a problem. 'Don't worry about it, we can handle her.' XGaster looks around at other universes. 'They are so beautiful.. so.. BEAUTIFUL.. Pardon me, where are the kids going next?' Nightmare his plan was to kill Chara there, so I'm pretty sure they are trying to go home soon. But would they expect me there? They know I'm after them. I can hear a weird noise and before I'm able to fully turn around, the kids dissapeared. 'I.. I don't know..'

Frisk's POV:

Akumu was still awake, so he was able to wake Betty up. Chara and I both had a weird feeling. Like someone was looking at us. We had to leave. The only problem is that Betty teleported without any of us knowing where we would end up. It's silent outside. Windows are broken and buildings are on fire. This place seems familiar. Betty looks at me and noticed my confusion. 'We are back.. in the zombie apocalypse.. this house was the house you ran away from to get to the core.' As I turn around I notice the two beds, one being messy and the other never being used. 'Why are we back here? I hate this place so much!' She smiles. 'That's exactly why we are here. They wouldn't expect us to go back to the place we tried to escape from. It's late you know? We need rest.' Betty slowly closes her eyes again, but this time she just falls asleep. As I put her on her bed, I can see Chara staring out the window. 'I'm sorry. I needed help. I made use of your bad living situation and dragged you into something way worse.' The thing is that I knew he did, but anything was better than living in an apocalypse. Killing zombies gets boring after a while, and this adventure actually gave me some excitement. 'You know Chara, I was sceptical at first, but I really enjoyed this adventure so far. Just like us here, you are in danger from someone you can't face yourself. Betty and I don't know who he is, yet we know you deserve better than what he put you through. Don't be sorry, you needed help and we are glad to give it to you.'

Cross Chara's POV:

That he and Betty don't mind helping me is nice, but I still put them in danger. Nightmare wanted to kill both and if Frisk and I didn't fuse together he would've. Even now we are in danger. As soon as Ink finds out we left HorrorTale, he will look for us. And he will stay up all night to find the universe we're in. If XGaster is released we would be dead, luckily he's still contained. Now is not the time to make people worried though. 'Thank you Frisk.. you can go to bed now, I'll keep an eye out for any threats.' He nods and goes to bed. After waiting for him to actually fall asleep, I jump out of the window. There are zombies everywhere, but they are ignoring me. They are all leaving the city. Is someone else there or are they scared? As I walk along with them, two distant voices can be heard. 'Are you sure they're here? This place seems empty. It's not a place I would want to be.' The other voice responds. 'That's why. They would try to trick us and because Frisk and Betty left this universe, they know how bad it is. It's.. predictable.' It's Ink.. and XGaster.. he released him. Of course the zombies would go here, they are reacting to Ink his vials. 'Let's look around then, it's dark. They are all asleep anyways.' As they walk towards me I quickly hide in a dumpster in an alley. The voices seem to fade away. I'm safe.. BUT FRISK AND BETTY AREN'T! So many thoughts enter my head as I jump out of the dumpster. What do I do? I can't attack them, I would get killed but if I don't do anything they would die. Hoping that they won't find them isn't even a solution. The zombies could lead the way if someone uses overwrite on them.. which I can do. I press the button and all the zombies turn around, going the other way. The voices become closer again. 'They are outside. This is our chance to find them. They aren't reacting to your vials anymore Ink, the power of determination is stronger!' I quickly jump back in the dumpster. I don't know for how long they will follow the zombies until they realise that they are just going to a random supermarket, but at least I can get Frisk and Betty out of here in time. As I jump out again, there are no zombies left on the streets. The house was a bit too far away to run too, I should've sprinted or walked. The door opens with a loud noise, I hope that they didn't hear that. Probably not. I crash down on the couch, but I can't sleep. If they do find us, I'm the only person who can defend himself and the others. I have to keep my brain active, so I turn the tv on. It's just static. Of course it is, nothing works anymore in a world where everyone is a zombie. Looking outside also doesn't work, it's just empty. All the books are ripped apart, wet or burned, making them unreadable. Is there nothing I can do here? My head leans against the back and my eyes slowly close. 'Come on Chara, stay awake..' Nothing I do or say matters. After my eyes are closed I immediately fall asleep. Let's hope my dreams are better than this nightmare we're in right now. 

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