Chapter one: Not the nicest

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Frisk's POV:

The laughter from the Sans that trapped us in his tentacles made me realise something. I should have known that Cross Chara was tricking us. Who would ever just take two strangers out of a zombie apocalypse? He just wanted to kill us from the start. I feel sorry for Betty, she thought he was a nice person, but she is a bit more naive than me. The only thing I can do is hope that she passes out before she gets killed. Something seems off tho. The tentacles are not choking me, they are just holding me. A laugh can be heard from a distance. Is that Chara laughing? 'Alright Nightmare, you can let them go now. You never fail to amaze me when you are scaring people.' Nightmare drops us and starts laughing. How can a guy with a name like that laugh? Betty stood up already and I can tell that she wants to say something, but before she gets the chance I jump in front of her. 'What the hell was that for?! We offered our help and now you almost kill us?!' Now I actually get a tentacle around my throat, I can still breathe, but it's less air than normal. 'Listen up, this guy here asked you, that wasn't me. If I see you two do anything that can ruin our plans, you will die. Understood?' Nightmare drops me and turns around as Betty already helps me up. She looks at Chara. 'So.. what do you need us for anyway?' He looks up and walks towards us, that was probably the wrong move. He'll kill us, we've asked too many questions and now he is mad. Instead of slicing us up into little bits he opens his mouth and starts to speak.

Cross Chara's POV:

'First of all, don't mind Nightmare, he's just a bit grumpy sometimes. And second, we are building a new world. Our creator always resetted ours because he wasn't happy with the results but now I'm in charge. We are just taking some fragments from other worlds to make our own.' They seem to trust me, and I'm happy to see that. If we can trust eachother this journey will be a lot easier. Nightmare can't destroy this trust or else we'll be arguing all the time. 'We need you two if we need to fight the residents here. Not everyone is happy with us taking bits of their world, but don't kill them. We don't want anyone dead.' They stand up and smile as they both say 'Alright then!' at the same time. We spawned in Snowdin, so getting code from here should be easy. Cross Sans wanted to do this, but he would fail. Luckily I was able to take over before he could even do a single thing. Nightmare is hiding already, he doesn't want to be seen. The sound of two people stepping thorugh the snow shouldn't be alarming, it could be Betty and Frisk walking towards me, but as I turn around they are right behind me. I can hear a cracking voice and a low voice talk to eachother, and those voices are getting closer. As I jump in the bushes Frisk follows and pulls Betty in. The voices came from the Papyrus and Sans from this universe. For some reason everyone is rude here, you can even see it in their clothes. Most of the monsters are wearing red and black and it shows that they aren't messing around. If you piss them off, they won't give you a chance to say sorry, they'll just attack. As they pass the bushes we are hiding, Frisk jumps out. He isn't calling out their names but he is looking at them, he starts to cry and Betty jumps out to comfort him.

Betty's POV:

Of course he remembers the Papyrus and Sans of his world. Of course! I should have covered his eyes and made sure that he couldn't hear their voices. At least he is not yelling their names. If these monsters are really as cruel as Chara said, they would see him as an intruder and kill him. 'It's ok Frisk.. I know you miss them but maybe Chara can take some other versions of them to his world. Not these ones tho, they would kill everyone..' Chara nods and then looks at Snowdin. 'I'll take some code from here, follow me and don't do anything stupid.' Frisk and I follow him and a few monsters noticed us, but they aren't attacking, they just slowly back away. Chara cuts through a few houses and after a few seconds they dissapear. Now the monsters surround us a bit more, but Chara doesn't seem to care. 'I've taken enough code, and as you can see, we aren't welcome here. We are leaving!' He bumps against a monster, his voice sound more irritated and angry now. 'I SAID I'M LEAVING, YOU CAN'T STOP ME YOU LITTLE RAT!' The monsters aren't moving. Are they not scared? The Sans and Papyrus from here approach us from behind. 'Look boss, I told you I saw someone in the bushes!' Sans looks at Frisk like he knows him, and so does Papyrus. 'Human? Is that you? Why are you with these weirdos?' Frisk doesn't say anything. 'The human is silent as always.. SANS! KILL THOSE TWO INTRUDERS AND TAKE FRISK WITH YOU AFTERWARDS!' Papyrus walks away and Sans grins. Is he actually going attack or is he lazy here as well? A blaster appears next to him and I can hear Chara grab his knife. 'Alright guys, I can take this one on my own!'

Nightmare's POV:

Why are they taking so long? It's just cutting through some houses, hurting someone and leaving. It is not that hard. Normally I wouldn't have a problem with taking things slowly, it's actually more fun when someone has pain over a long amount of time. But Ink will try to stop Chara, if he finds us it will be way harder to escape. The original Sans is with him as well, but I'm not worrying about him too much, he doesn't trust Ink. I can tell. As I look down on Snowdin I can see Chara, who is trash talking to Underfell Sans. That doesn't matter here, the people in this universe don't care if you try to put them in the ground. They'll just think of a way better comeback or attack you. At least if Chara fights him some negative emotions will come free and I can already feel them. The anger from Sans and the fear from Betty and Frisk. This is going to be fun.

Betty x Frisk: Enter the underverseWhere stories live. Discover now