Chapter ten: No holding back

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Betty's POV:

We really need to fix those doors. I don't want to be woken up by them when someone even touches them. As I sit up I can see that Frisk is asleep and Chara is nowhere to be seen. Don't tell me he left us behind.. We would both be at a higher risk of dying. I walk down the stairs and to my relief, Chara is sleeping on the couch. We are all safe. There are no zombies on the streets, Ink won't find us. It'll all be ok. The only bad part, is that we can't return to the home Chara created. It will be easy to find us there, and I'm not sure how strong the other guy we're hiding from is, but I feel like he could kill us all. Maybe we need to seek for help? The more people to fight them, the better. But who would help us? Ink knows most AU's, so they are probably all against us. Two people mumbling are coming to us. I thought only zombies were left here.. Did they find us..? I have to warn Frisk and Chara. We need to hide. But they're both asleep. 'Psst, Kumu.. drag Chara under the couch. I'll hide Frisk somewhere upstairs..' He nods and flies to Chara as I jump up the stairs. I can't make a sound right now. The door opens. Where can I hide him? Under the bed, in the closet? That might actually work. I quickly push him in and step in myself. 'Wha-' he woke up.. of course. 'Shh' The voices are louder now. 'Ink.. we aren't going to look through all the houses right..?' The other, lighter voice replies. 'If we want to find them, we might have to. Do you have an better idea?' A small laugh can be heard. 'Nuke the place. They'll have to leave. We can wait for them.' Nuke us? What? 'You know that one can teleport right? And Chara can overwrite the nuke, right?' Someone stomps on the ground. 'THEY ARE ASLEEP. THEY WON'T HAVE TIME TO THINK ABOUT THAT. DO IT. NUKE THIS PLACE! WHY WOULD WE HOLD BACK NOW?' There is a small silence before the other guy replies. 'Yeah, you're right. I know just how to do it.' They both leave the house and slam the door shut. I'm still scared too leave the closet though. Frisk grabs my waist and turns me around. 'Betty.. we have to go. But we'll be ok. Let's wake Chara up.' He kisses me on the cheek and leaves the closet. It's a good thing he didn't just see my cheeks turn instantly red afterwards. Sadly I can't think about our relationship right now. We have to go!

Cross Chara's POV:

Why are people so loud? It's in the morning and I can hear loud bonks everywhere! I'll tell those neighbours- As I rub my eyes I realise that I'm now under the couch.. Betty's monster is next to me. Did something happen? After I roll back and stand up, I can see Betty and Frisk coming down the stairs. 'Chara, we have to leave. Betty can teleport us away just grab your stuff as soon as possible.' Leave? What happened? This was a good spot to hide in I don't see why we have to go. 'Guys, I just woke up. Why are you both so.. scared?' Frisk is grabbing food, so Betty has to explain it to me. 'Well, when you were asleep, Ink and someone else entered the house. They were looking for us. The person I didn't know said he wanted to nuke the place. So we have to leave!' ..XGaster. So he did find us after all. I should have stayed awake to stop him, even though I don't think I can do that on my own.. But why would he want to nuke their home..? Unless.. 'He wants us to leave..' Betty and Frisk give me an questioning look. 'He wants us out of this universe because this is the only place we know where to hide.' Frisk steps forward with a random bag of crisps. 'So, what do we do then? We don't want to fall in his trap.. right?' I'm not sure if we can survive this.. but there is only one option. 'We need to stay here and survive the blast!' They both look shocked. I would be too. Betty grabs Frisk his crisps and throws it at me. 'Are you insane?! How can we survive? We will be turned into zombies!' I know how to do it, but it's hard.. and really precise. Luckily there are three of us. 'There is one way.. I know Frisk has a shield and Betty can turn her little monster into one as well. Those will be our protectors. We do need to be able to see though, or else we will die. When the core explodes, because it's logical they will go for that, you'll be able to see an impact wave. I can't stop the entire nuke but once the wave comes near and I overwrite just in time, I can stop it from hitting us.. That's my plan. If you don't want to do it, that's ok. But you'll die once you leave.' Betty and Frisk look at eachother and nod. 'Let's go. I'll make sure Kumu holds open a little gate for you to see. Frisk will stand in front with his shield. You can see through that.'

Ink's POV:

'Reprogram this, that pipe goes there, fix that..' Most of the settings are already right to do this. Betty blew up this world so long ago. But she did miss a few things that could've made a bigger explosion. If they stay, there is no chance they'll survive. XGaster is behind me, he's grinning. I'm so glad that he's happy with my actions. We wouldn't want those kids to cause any more trouble. So either they die from the blast or XGaster can kill them once they leave this world. After I press a button I turn around and look at him. 'It will explode soon. We can go now.' I quickly move my brush over the floor and jump in. Now I can enjoy floating around, being surrounded by all the beautiful universes.. and seeing the one with the people that are bothering us so much dissapear. Hopefully with them as well.

Betty's POV:

And I thought it couldn't get any weirder than fighting a gigantic zombie. We are all in position to protect us from the blast. Frisk has his shield up and Chara has his overwrite button ready. Akumu is protecting us from everywhere except from where Frisk is standing. I'm stressed. I don't know if this will work.. Chara is focussed and staring into the distance. So is Frisk, but he has tears rolling down his face. Why is he- My eyes widen, and slowly tears go down my face as well. I did this to him. The first explosion was my fault.. I took all his friends away, and he survived. I don't think he wanted to though.. A loud rumble from under the streets and the shaking ground are our signals that the blast will soon be here. I want to hug Frisk.. but I can't.. 'Frisk.. I'm so sorry.. I love you..' He let's his shield down. 'I-It's ok-' Chara looks in shock. 'THE BLAST IS RIGHT THERE!' A white wave comes straight at us. Frisk turns around, but before I can see if he fully put his shield up, my vision gets blinded. 'What's happening?!'

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