T E N : K A T A R I N A

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In this dark jungle, it is very hard to watch my own steps. I try to catch Warwick's and follow him. 

As he runs ahead of me, his speed makes the leaf which fell on the floor in this time of autumn fly apart. He isn't as fast as Cassiopeia was under water which makes it possible for me to follow him. 

Warwick jumps around while running. He is avoiding many holes in the Leary, but I fall into two of them.

'' Would you please follow my exact steps! '' He helps me get up on my feet again when I fall for the third time.

'' Believe me, I am trying my best. '' I hold onto him and try to catch my breath. His giant wolf shape is ahead of me again. I jump onto the places he jumps onto and stops running when he does.

'' So, how's the iceberg like? '' I try to gather a bit information about the person who'll help me leave this stress behind and get back my normal life.

'' He is an actual iceberg. ''Warwick laughs. '' And you'll need to make so much efforts to break that ice. '' He winks at me. 

Warwick is much different than Cassiopeia which makes me wonder what made them friends in the first place. He is an approachable person while she is the contrary. She builds walls between her and other people through her honesty. She's a person who's straightforward. 

Cassiopeia never hesitates to speak of her opinion no matter what the consequences will be. Unlike Warwick who's hard to read and you barely understand what he says through the lines. He calls Hammunculus' son an iceberg while he seems to be one as well.

Warwick surprisingly speeds up and jumps into a bush. I try to chase him, but I fail. When I am on my way to the bush which he jumped into, I bump at a big silhouette. I fall between the herb.

It's too dark and I cannot see the features of the creature standing in front of me. I can barely tell if it's human or not. I prepare my sword to defend myself against this creature which the Leary threw my way.

'' Woah! '' A thick voice speaks up. '' Don't be afraid. '' He tries to calm me down. He extends his hand for me to take it. He wants to help me get on my feet again. 

I took too many hands in the excuse of helping me. I stop myself from holding onto this one. I get up by myself. I look around me wondering where Warwick is.

The darkness hides his facial features. He walks a few steps towards me, and the moon light shows him a bit. I peer into his large shoulders, his brownish eyes, and his brown thick hair. I realize the many similarities which he has in common with the iceberg which I saw in Lulu's Crystal Ball.

'' Is everything okay? '' He asks as he sees how I study his features.

'' Yeah. I'm fine. '' I don't want to introduce myself to him. I didn't expect to see him while Warwick isn't around. It seems that the unplanned things start to happen.

'' I'm Garen. And you are? '' He has a huge sword hanged over his shoulder. He cannot be an assassin. Assassins usually wear light customs to move smoothly. His outfit is full of Armor.

'' Kat. '' I mistakenly say. '' I mean Katja. My name is Katja. '' I rectify my mistake. I make sure my hair falls over my eye. At least enough to hide the scar which I had the day his father was murdered. 

'' What are you doing in the jungle at this dark time Katja? '' His eyes are on my sword and my daggers which are hanged over my waist and thighs.

'' Training. '' It doesn't take me a lot of time to find a proper lie. The Legends tournaments for this year will start in a couple of weeks. Talon told me that everyone trains for this special event in the jungle of Leary because it offers almost the same environment of the competition. 

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