T W E N T Y N I N E: T A L O N

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'' She left. '' I murmur as I see Katarina stepping away from us with no guilt, no hesitation. Katarina who used to seek protection within these four walls just left them. She didn't even turn to see our faces for the last time.

'' It's all my fault. '' Mother repeats as she stands behind me. Broken. Hopeless. '' I should've told her everything. '' She cries out.

'' It's not mother. Nothing is your fault. '' I try to comfort her. '' You were protecting her by hiding these things from her. Now it's her fault that she didn't listen, she didn't give us a chance. '' I am too angry, too broken from Katarina that I don't consider how hurt she was. I loved her for being human. For caring about others. Not for being this person who's capable of leaving family behind.

As we still stand outside, trying to get over the scene that just happened, Albert comes along.

'' What is it? Why are you guys standing in this cold? '' He asks us. '' Go in! '' he shouts when he receives no answer.

'' She's gone. '' Mother tells him, sobbing. She knows he doesn't care but she still tells him that Katarina left us. '' It's all because of me. It's all because I listened to you. '' She blames him. She doesn't care this time how he will rage against her.

'' GO INSIDE! NOW! '' Albert screams with all what he has of power. But mother who always obeyed him refuses to listen to any order from him this time.

'' Why? To shut me up like every single time? To threaten me of taking away my healing powers just like you forbid me from public use of them? '' She hits him with the truth. He stands still. He doesn't remove his eyes from hers. I always wondered how he can sharply and angrily peer into the eyes of the one he loves. His anger doesn't melt. It doesn't fade.

'' Let's go inside. '' I request from mother before she starts screaming again and before they both gather people around us. Albert goes home, and I follow with Mother.

At first, I thought Albert wants us inside to talk about what happened. But instead, he simply takes the folders he came home for from his desk and heads towards the door again.

'' Katarina knew everything. '' I tell him before he opens the door's handle. '' She knew about Cassiopeia, and that I am adopted. '' I still see the anger in Albert's face but I still tell him what happened. Whatever was the issue, mother is not the only responsible person for its consequences.

'' So? '' he coldly says. '' She's not one of the Du Couteaux anymore. '' He continues.

'' She is. And she is the strongest. '' I stand up and face Albert. I remind him that leaving family behind is the hardest thing any member of the Du Couteaux would do. And Katarina did that. She had enough courage to go after the truth by herself. I hate what she did, and that she didn't give us a chance, but I always admired her courage. This time, she proved it again.

'' Don't be her son. Don't ignore your parents' efforts trying to give you a life. '' He reminds me that if it wasn't for Albert, I wouldn't have a family, nor a home, nor a name, and nor an honour to defend no matter what.

'' I'll go after Katarina, Albert. I'll convince her that whatever you guys did was for her own good. That's what a real brother, and lover would do. '' I disclose to him, reminding him that Katarina is not just a sister for me.

Albert knew about my feelings towards Katarina since we started training together. He knew when I started skipping training sessions with the boys, and I started making more time for her. He knew that she brought joy to my heart whenever she smiled, laughed, or behaved crazy. I always covered for her mistakes, not for her being my sister, but for the fire which I felt inside of my heart every time she asked for help. Even if I wanted to stand and watch her solve her problems, I couldn't control my heart.

'' If you leave, you're not coming back again. '' Albert threatens me. I look at him and I search for the man who saved me from the monsters I was surrounded with. I hardly understand how such a heartless man brought me to his own home?

'' You think it's easy for me Talon? '' He starts explaining as if he read my thoughts. '' It's never easy for anyone to watch their family breaking down, and they cannot do anything to put them back together. I lost Cassiopeia because of Hammunculus' hate towards me. I told her many times to stay away from the Leary but she never listened. She said if she's good at something she'll go out to do it. And she kept going to the jungle to develop her magic and poisonous skills. '' Albert's voice shakes for the first time as he tries to tell Cassiopeia's story.

'' My daughter came back home one night, as a snake. A snake who couldn't speak. We asked her who did that to her, all we understood from her hisses was the first three letters of his name, Ham. '' before tears fall down from Albert's eyes. He sits beside his wife. '' I was hoping your mother can heal her with her powers, but she failed. The magic was stronger than her capabilities. I didn't want Hammunculus to know that she's a healer, I asked from her to do not practice her powers in public at all, never at all, just to protect her from him. ''

'' What about Cassiopeia? Why did she leave? '' I ask him.

'' Because she's impatient. I told her to stay. I begged her to stay. But she didn't want to, she knew if she stays, she's going to be locked in for years. She knew she'll trade her freedom for the medicine. '' Albert explains.

'' Medicine? '' I take a seat facing Albert in the living room.

'' She had a chance to heal. And that's why I got you here. That's the reason why I've trained you to be part of the League. Hammunculus hid the potion which will heal Cassiopeia in the League's platform. No one can ever have access to that place, only if you succeed and get to the finals. The only two who get to the finals will be able to stand in that place. And only they can find the healing potion. '' Albert tells me that there is a way for Cassiopeia to heal. And that is enough hope for me to help her heal, and to get Katarina back again.

'' So that's why you trained me this much. '' I finally realize why he always kept Katarina away from the fields, and he kept me inside of them to build up the strongest and fastest assassin. '' But why me and not Katarina? ''

'' If Katarina reaches the potion she'll suffer. If she's as strong as Cassiopeia she'll convert to an unknown creature, and if she's weak, she'll die. '' Albert explains why he kept Katarina away from the fields. And it also explains why he adopted me and raised me as his own son.

'' Why now Albert? Why not before? '' My questions don't come to an end.

'' The League platforms change from a year to another. It's never the same. In 20 years, since Hammunculus hurt us and Cassiopeia, this year is the first one where the League Championship will be held in that specific platform. It's based in Ionia. '' Albert clarifies.

What Albert said is a big chance for us to heal Cassiopeia again. My biggest motivation is winning back Katarina and getting her love. The moment she left, the anger and the sadness which overwhelmed me that moment, it all makes me move straight away towards the Leary. I try to find the only person who can convince Katarina to stay away from the healing potion, Garen.

~ Talon Du Couteaux ~

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~ Talon Du Couteaux ~

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