F O U R T E E N : T A L O N

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Real strength doesn't lay within the one who has the strongest punch, it lays within the one who is capable of forgiveness. I have read these words a couple of times, and I have been thinking of them now more than ever.

I go upstairs to check on Katarina. Maybe she's right. I've been holding in grunge for so long. Maybe now is the time to forgive her and be normal.

I knock on her door which has been closed for days now. I even asked my mother a couple of times and she hasn't seen her. And she doesn't even hangout with Elina anymore. It's true she made unforgivable wrong decisions, but she doesn't deserve this much loneliness.

I wait a couple of seconds in front of Katarina's door. '' Kat. '' I call for her when I don't hear any movement from inside. '' Kat are you in there? '' I try to raise my voice.

'' She won't open it. '' My mother tells me from the stairs. '' I have been knocking on her door since this morning. She won't open nor answer. ''

I can see the sorrow in mother's eyes. I can also see the confusion. She doesn't know if she should apply what our father says without any negotiation or she should be the mother which her daughter needs now.

Mother walks away and goes downstairs. I insist and try to open the door by myself. But I fail. My heart tells me there is something about this. I push the door harder and manage to get in.

'' Talon! '' My mother screams at the sound of the broken door. '' What are you doi-'' She stops when she sees the empty room which I see; the broken window; and the absent swords.

'' Where did she go? '' Mother's eyes are full of tears. '' She cannot do it. '' Her voice shakes. '' She cannot runaway from us. '' She chokes at the words she's saying.

I don't wait to speak to mother no more. I run to reach my father. Before I leave, I make sure Hugo keeps an eye on mother.

'' Father! '' For the first time in my life I feel fear. I have never been afraid of anything, anyone. I've always had the courage of a person who has nothing to lose. But now I have lost the most precious person to my heart. I lost Katarina.

'' Father, Katarina is gone. '' I tell him hoping he already knows where she is. Maybe she informed him but didn't want to tell me nor mother. I think of the possibility of losing Katarina and I go crazier than ever.

My father is on his desk busy studying the maps which he holds between his hands. He doesn't even lift his head up to look me in the eyes.

'' Do you even hear me? '' I try to get his attention again.

'' Yes. '' He puts down the map and takes off his round glasses. '' I hear you Talon. '' his calmness and coldness make me angrier than being worried.

'' She probably went to make another mistake and embarrass me even more. '' He calmly says when he sees the anger in my face.

'' Are you serious? Aren't you scared? What if the Demacians kidnapped her? '' I speak to him my fears, but he doesn't seem to care.

'' I. don't. care Talon. '' He stands off of his chairs and faces me. '' if she's gone, let her go. If she's in trouble, she shall solve it by her own. I don't care about Katarina anymore. '' He coldly spells the words and my heart aches at the thoughts of her being away and in trouble.

'' We both know why you take care of her this much but let me remind you, to the world, and most importantly to her, you are a brother and nothing more than that. '' I understand what my father Albert is trying to point at. I never suspected that he knew about my feelings towards Katarina.

'' But she's your own real daughter! '' I shout at him. I don't deny his words, I don't ignore my feelings towards Katarina Du Couteaux, but I try to remind the Commandant Albert that this isn't a soldier who failed to compete, this is his own daughter.

'' She ruined my name! '' He shouts back at me. '' I lost my pride within my people because of her, and her unstoppable sins. '' He simply confesses that he gives his people more importance than he gives his own daughter.

I walk away from my father Albert without saying any single word. I grab my cloak and daggers and head towards Demacia. Katarina's biggest sin was killing the Commandant Hammunculus, and if I know Garen enough, he'd already know who murdered his own father. 


Hey guys! Wish you like this awesome art of Katarina Des Couteaux xx 

Hey guys! Wish you like this awesome art of Katarina Des Couteaux xx 

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