Chapter 2: Alex's Birthday

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Marty walks Alex up the hill while covering Alex's eyes as Mariah was right next to them, while they are all still walking.

"Okay, be careful now." Mariah said.

"Watch it. Watch yourself. Small divot."

"Oof!" Alex said as he got tripped.

"Sorry, little incline there. Back, up this hill..." Marty said.

Alex falls down to the ground and hot by a tree branch.

"Ow!" Alex said.

"Take it easy for him." Mariah said to Marty.

"A low-hangin' branch, then just over this bluff, and voilà!" Marty said.

Marty finally lets go of Alex and opens his eyes, but it causing him to tumble down the hill.

"Happy birthday, pal!" Marty said.

"This is from us, to you." Mariah said.

Alex gets up and gets amazed.

"Whoa." Alex said.

He sees the sand model of New York City.

"Wow! New York City." Alex said happily.

Melman and Katie are shown next to the model like Melman is lying down with his neck straightened out like a bridge and Katie is posing like the Statue of Liberty, while Brandon and Gloria was next to them.

"Surprise!" All four of them shouted happily.

"Katie, you're the Statue of Liberty!" Alex said to Katie.

"Gloria and I designed the dress for Katie for weeks." Mariah said.

"And Melman, you're the Brooklyn Bridge!" Alex said to Melman

"Actually, I'm the Triborough Bridge." Melman said.

"Wow. You guys made this?" Alex asked.

"Yep. From memory. From crazy, obsessive memory!" Marty explained.

Alex runs all over the model, laughing while looking at it as the others do so, too.

"Hey! Fifth Avenue, with no traffic! There's Times Square with its modern-day corporate lack of character. Nine Duane Reades on the same street!" Alex explained.

Alex finally sees a model of the Central Park Zoo

"And the zoo. Wow, our home." Alex said.

Alex sees models of himself and the others.

"Look! There's a little me! And little all of us-es!" Alex said.

The models change to the actual zoo back in New York City. Alex is in his habitat. People and children are chanting 'Alex!'

Alex: Roar!

Fireworks come out from the sides. Alex looks at his friends. Melman gives a thumbs up with an Alex foam finger. Gloria points at Alex with a foam finger, giving him a wink. Marty, walking backward on his treadmill, is also shown with a foam finger. Brandon showed a foam finger as well, too. Mariah and Katie were dressed as cheerleaders with pom-poms. Alex pulls out his paws, showing two foam fingers on them. The people cheer even louder. The gang are laughing and poking each other with their foam fingers.

The scene changes back to Africa. Alex is seen crying. His friends feel sorry for him and were about to cry too. Alex blows his nose on his paws.

"You guys. You've both made and ruined my day." Alex said.

Mariah holds out a cake with one candle lit on.

"Make a wish, sweetheart." Mariah said.

Alex thinks, then blows out the candle. The lemurs, King Julien, Maurice, and Mort, pop out of the cake.

"Ta-Da! Your wish has come true!" King Julien shouted happily.

"Oh yay!" Mort shouted.

Mort's stomach grumbles.

"My tummy is speaking to me!" Mort said.

The pink foam cake comes out of his mouth, much to everyone's disgust.

"Oh, gross!" Alex said.

"Uh, I wouldn't eat that side of the cake if I were you." King Julien said.

Gloria throws away the cake, sending the lemurs offscreen.

"Whoa!" King Julien shouted.

"Alex, what was your wish?" Mariah asked.

"I wish we could go home. I mean, don't get me wrong, I love this. But it's not the real thing." Alex said.

"Well, that's because it's a mud model, Alex. It's not actually New York. I hope that was clear." Brandon said.

"What are we doing? Here, we are relying on the penguins to come back for us. But... we should just go to Monte Carlo and get them!" Alex explained.

"How do a lion, a lioness, a zebra, a bunny, a hedgehog, a giraffe, and a hippo walk into a casino in Monte Carlo?" Melman asked.

"I don't know. Ask the rabbi!" Marty shouted.

"Hey, I'm serious." Melman said.

"Come on. We can do it! We can do anything! It's us!" Alex should.

"We're us, right? Then, it's up to us to get a way back home." Katie said.

"Yeah, that's right! We've gone halfway around the world. Compared with that, Monte Carlo's just a hop, skip, and a swim away!" Alex explained.

"Yeah!" Melman shouted.

"Hee hee!" Gloria said as she giggled.

Alex puts his paw in the center.

"To home." Alex said.

Mariah puts her hand over Alex's paw, and then Katie and Brandon do the same.

"Home!" Marty said as he put his hoof over Brandon's hand.

"Home." Melman said as he put his hoof over Marty's hoof.

"Home." Gloria said as she put her hand over Melman's hoof.

"Cheeseburger!" King Julien said as he put his hand over Gloria's hand.

"Tell you what, bet those penguins will be glad to see us." Alex said.

"I'm sure that they might remember us and the plan to get us back home." Mariah said.

"Yeah, they're probably bored out of their minds!" Marty said.

At Monte Carlo, the penguins and the two monkeys were in the hotel. One of the monkeys throws the TV out of the window and goes wild around the hotel bedroom while the other monkey is wearing makeup. The penguins were on the bed for a pillow fight, Skipper was the one who beat them as he hit them with his pillow.

"Oh, argh, you pillow fight like a bunch of little girls." Skipper said in teased to the others.

Suddenly, Rico jumps behind him to hit him with the pillow. It got ripped when the feathers flew all around in the air. Skipper was shocked to see that.

"Chimi changa, these pillows are filled with baby birds!" Skipper shouted while he was looking at the feathers.

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