Chapter 12: Bad Circus Show

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At the circus tent, it was time for the circus animals to perform for the show.

"Okay! Strike up the band!" Stefano shouted.

"You have a band?" Marty asked.

The puppies are on an old circus song on a radio.

"Prepare to be blown away!" Stefano shouted while on a big ball and had a bunch of small balls in his flippers.

"Blow me away!" Alex said, and she opened the curtains.

"Here we go!" Stefano shouted happily.

The circus animals come out to the people of the stage for the show. Alex and the gang clapped to cheer for them, Mariah was carrying Adriana.

"Look at this. Whoa! Hey! lt's nice to be..." Stefano said as he tried to juggle but failed and fell down from the big ball.

"Yay..." Alex said.

"Is he alright?" Katie asked.

"I think so." Mariah replied.

Stefano gets up and spits out a ball from his mouth that it hits a man in the face from the audience.

"Hey!" The man shouted.

Stefano gets to the dogs and tries to juggle again, but fails, too. He spits out a ball from his mouth again and knocks one of the puppies consciously.

"Whoa! How do dogs do that?" Stag amp asked as he picked up the puppy to stand up while being knocked down.

"Get on with it!" A man's voice shouted angrily.

Vitaly does his through hoop trick. But instead of jumping through it, he takes the hoop, turns around and puts it down, and bows. The audience got upset and started to 'boo ' them.

"Stupido!" A man shouted from the audience.

"Uh oh." Alex said.

"Oh no." Mariah said.

The two elephants do their trick to get on top of a ball, each of them as they hold on trucks for a grin. While the audience keeps on booing, a boy from the audience puts some popcorn in his mouth and spits it with a straw to shoot at one of the elephants. The elephant got scared and trumps, making it lose the grip. While walking backward on the ball, the boy keeps on spitting out popcorn until he gets smushed by the elephant's butt. The audience was shocked, and Mariah and Katie gasped in shock. The elephant walked out of the stage while the boy was stuck in his butt. The penguins watch the show on top of the stage.

"Well, that was worth the price of admission." Skipper said and eats a popcorn.

The other elephant fell and smashed the ball to pop. It scared one of the white horses and kicked one of the puppies. Flying to a man that he was about to eat a hotdog but the puppy's head went into his mouth. The puppy gets out of it.

"Watch it, mate!" The puppy shouted angrily and punched the man in the face, making a woman scream in fear in the audience.

"Who's from Cincinnati?" Stefano asked.

Stefano gets pulled back out of the stage from a long book staff.

"Stefano, you know 'blown away' means good, right?" Alex asked.

"Are you sure that it's going okay?" Mariah asked.

"Don't worry. The big finale is coming up!" Stefano shouted.

Stefano went back to the stage.

"Give me a downbeat! Look at this!" Stefano shouted.

As the other circus animals leave, Stefano does his music with his horn instrument  that it sounds awful, the people of the audience groan and start to leave.

"Oh, no. No, this is not happening." Alex said.

Botu Alex and Mariah have the flashbacks of the bad performance of the show from the circus animals, the audience, even about the deal of the deed from the circus master.

"You have a deal, mi amigo." The circus master said in flashback.

"lt's good, no? Yes, go out and get food and come back!" Stefano shouted.

When the audience was empty, Stefano chuckled and spits out a ball out of his mouth. The people got upset that they kept on shaking to stand out of the tickets, yelling. The monkey in disguise as the circus master puts up a sign up and hide to leave. In the tent, Alex was breathing heavily in a bag. Mariah fainted, Katie was fanning her as she tried to wake Mariah up as Brandon was carrying Adriana.

"Deep breaths. You're in a happy place. lt's all good." Marty said to Alex while he was breathing in the bag.

"It's okay. It's gonna be alright." Katie said to Mariah.

Mason and Phil run to the penguins with two bags of money.

"There's an angry mob outside, and they're demanding their money back!" Mason said to the penguins.

"l think we all know the right thing to do." Skipper said.

The gang were running o get on the train and away from the people while the people ran after them behind.

"Come on, come on!" Alex said to the others as he got on the train.

The others got on, too, except Stefano, that he was far behind.

"Come on! Hurry up!" Brandon shouted.

"Hop on the train!" Marty shouted.

While Stefano was running, he dropped his circus horn instrument to the ground.

"Come on, guys!" Mariah shouted.

The people stepped and broke the circus hot instrument, Stefano was standing, and Katie decided to help him.

"Stay here." Katie said.

"Where are you going?" Mariah asked.

Katie didn't answer and grabbed Stefano's flipper and runs to get on the train.

"Mamma mia!" Stefano said.

"Hurry up!" Gloria shouted.

Katie reaches to get closer to the train and grabs Melman's neck, and gets on in time.

"There you go." Katie said.

"Grazie, Katie." Stefano said and kissed Katie's cheek to make her blush.

Mason and Phil kept running with bags of money in their hands.

"Just throw us the money!" King Julien shouted.

The chimpanzees throw the money up in the air instead. The people are happy and cheered that got their money back. King Julien groans, and the chimpanzees got on the train too and ride away.

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