Chapter 21: Getting Ready

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Vitaly slowly walks up to a cabinet and opens it that it has a lot of hoops that he did from the past. He was feeling scared as he imagined all of the hoops were on fire as he heard a lot of people chanted his name until he quickly closed the doors as breaths.


The circus was about to start that the show was a lot bigger and there were a lot of people than before.

"Come on, come on, come on. Where is he?" Skipper asked.

The penguins have binoculars to look over the audience of people until they finally see the American promoter along with his eagle were there too.

"Bingo! lf that's not a red-blooded American promoter, l don't know what is. We need to get this show on the road. Private! Tell them the eagle has landed." Skipper demands to Private.

Private has a phone to call to Alex.

"The eagle has landed!" Private said.

"Roger that. And keep an eye out for Dubois." Alex said.

"Aye, aye, guvnor!" Private said.

"The promoter is in the house!" Alex said to the others.

Alex looks around and sees Mariah and Katie wearing their outfits for their performance to the circus show with makeup and ribbon streamers. Alex blushes really hard as he looks at Mariah for her new look while she doesn't notice it while Mariah is putting on a light blue dress on Adriana and hair bows.

"New York is closer than ever!" Marty shouted happily as he interrupted Alex to snap him out of thought.

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves. First, we got a circus to do. We're on, folks!" Alex said.

"Do we go on before or after the dogs?" A female horse asked.

"Yes." Alex said.

"What?" All three horses asked together.

"Overlap, your acts overlap." Alex replied.

"Where's Vitaly? He opens." Alex said.

"I don't know." One of the horses answered.

"He was supposed to start the show, right?" Mariah asked.

Alex and Mariah looked around until they saw Stefano.

"There's Stefano. He might know where is Vitaly." Mariah said.

They both walked up to Stefano.

"Stefano! Hey, Stefano!" Alex said.

"Have you seen Vitaly? Hey." Mariah said.

Stefano looked up to them and was crying.

"Are you alright?" Mariah asked Stefano.

"Stefano, why the sad little face?" Alex asked.

"Vitaly.. He will not go on!" Stefano answered.

"What?" Alex asked.

"What do you mean?" Mariah asked.

"l tried everything l could." Stefano said as he whimpered while crying.

"But he still doesn't want to do the show." Mariah said.

"Nope." Stefano said and cries even more.

Alex shushes him to calm down.

"Wipe away the tears. Calm down. Where is he? I'm sure we both can reason with him." Alex said.

Vitaly was packing his stuff in a suitcase until a knife was thrown over him. He sees it and turns around to see Alex and Mariah.

"Vitaly, what are you doing?" Alex asked.

"You missed." Vitaly said.

"You're leaving? You're just gonna walk out on everybody?" Mariah asked.

"They have a good show without me." Vitaly said.

"Look, l got a good left foot, but without my right foot, l can't walk." Alex said.

"You get fake foot, then you walk." Vitaly said.

"l don't want fake foot! Okay? What happened to 'circus stick together'?" Alex asked.

"The circus can't never be a show without you." Mariah said.

"Cliches." Vitaly said.

"Come on, man. Stop being this guy! Be the other guy!" Alex said.

"What other guy?" Vitaly asked.

"The guy who was all circus! The guy who jumped through hoops! The guy everybody looked up to." Alex explained while he was trying to get the stuff, but Vitaly takes them as he packs up.

"Come on. Where's that, Vitaly?" Mariah asked.

"That Vitaly is no more." Vitaly said.

"Listen, man. You may have given up on yourself, but your friends haven't given up on you. Are you just going to turn your back on them and sit and eat borscht the rest of your life? Or are you gonna get out there and jump through that tiny little hoop?" Alex asked while explaining.

"It is impossible." Vitaly said.

"lt was always impossible, Vitaly. That's why the people loved it." Alex said

"Is giving up something that you want more than the people who need you. Even about giving up your dream?" Mariah asked.

Alex and Mariah walk away slowly while Vitaly thinks.

"That is why l loved it." Vitaly said to make Alex and Mariah stop.

"Because l did the impossible! l was once a brave tiger. And if l go down in be it!" Vitaly said happily.

"Good for you. But how Vitaly is gonna success to pass through the hoop?" Mariah asked.

Alex thinks for a moment until he walks something in mind.

"You know, l think l might have an idea for you." Alex said to Vitaly.

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