Chapter 8: King Julien Found Love

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The chimpanzees were in disguise as The King of Versailles, taking the gems out of the little bag to make a deal with the people. One of them was the Ring Leader, and the others are clowns. The circus master gives the monkey the paper of the deed to take charge as they had their stuff in the car.

"You have a deal, mi amigo. l am sure this circus will bring you great success! l guess this is goodbye and good luck!" The circus master said, and they all got into a car to drove away, laughing happily.

The gang opens the doors of the crate, and the monkey shown them the paper of the deed in his hand, and the one from the bottom gives a thumbs up.

"What do we know about owning a circus?" Mariah asked.

"Nothing. But it's our only shot at getting home." Alex said.

"You better know what you're doing. You're risking Private's community college fund." Skipper said to Alex.

Private has a crayon with a book. He throws the crayon away desperately.

"l'll never be president." Private said.

The penguins take control of driving the train by the engines. King Julien, Maurice, and Mort were walking as they were on top of a crate of the train, and they got inside.

"Hey, this is not first class." King Julien said.

The lemurs looked around that it was dark and scary like. They see a tire swing.

"Definitely, coach." Maurice said.

They all looked to see claw marks on the wall, and they started to get scared. They gasps when they see iron hanging things like hooks and other things. They heard a 'la la la' singing in a creepy voice, but it was Mort doing it. King Julien thumped Mort on the head.

"Mort! Stop it!" King Julisn said.

Mort giggles, they all took a step forward, which there was a loud crack sound. The lemurs look down and see a dead bone body of a fish that has a little green slime on it. They groan in disgust and look to the other end to see two red eyes and a growling sound. They held on to each other while they were scared. But it was a female grizzly bear, wearing a pink tutu and a pink bow on top of the head as she was rising on her small bicycle around. King Julien gets Mort off of him as his eyes glimmered that he had never seen anyone beautiful like her. The grizzly bear was scratching her back by the wall and took out a fish to eat it when she dropped the head fells to the ground. She and King Julien touch paws together as they get the fish head. The grizzly bear looks up at him.

"Hey, gorgeous." King Julien said.

The grizzly bear sits down.

"Has anyone ever told you that you look like a supermodel? Albeit a fat, hairy one who smells." King Julien said.

The grizzly puts his entire body in her mouth like she is gonna eat him but takes him out and eats the fish head instead. She puts King Julien on her back and goes to the barrel to eat more fish.

"You have a very hairy back. l like that in a woman." King Julien said as he touched her back.

Maurice and Mort were looking, confused as they were watching the scene.

Meanwhile, in the area where the plane crashes, the police are standing in front of the line that says 'Do Not Cross' on it.

"That's it! l'm going in." The first police officer shouted and passed the yellow line.

"Stop! lt's too dangerous!" The second police officer shouted for warning.

But the officer who went past the yellow line gets slipped by a banana, which he shoots his gun randomly. Same going on to the other officers, too.

Captain DuBois was there, too. On the ground to Alex's footprints on the dirt. Licks the water of the footprint and smack lips to taste it for details.

"Lion. Twelve hours old. Two hundred and fifty kilograms." Captain DuBois said.

She takes out a piece of hair from Alex.

"Glossy mane. Too much conditioner." Captain DuBois said.

Captain DuBois also found footprints from Mariah that were inches away. Licking the water of the footprints, too.

"Lioness. Twelve hours old, too. Two hundred kilograms. Smooth, fluffy hair, and fur, but too much hairspray and perfume." Captain DuBois said as she tasted the water in her mouth.

Captain DuBois heard shoot guns, and the men kept on slipping by bananas from far away.

"Stupid bozos." Captain DuBois whispered.

She crawls up to the train track and smells the yellow dusty smell and sees an image of the gang get in a crate of a train with some other animals in it, too.

"Hello, kitty! So, you, alongside with your wife and cub have run away with the circus. What a clich." Captain Dubois said as she put on lipstick, and a train was behind her.

She lays down when the train goes past her of the train track, but she rolls down to get out of down there and jumps to get into a crate of the train. It was leading to Rome. A sign that says 'Rome 700 km.'

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