Chapter 23: The Truth

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"We're going to America! Woo! Today!" Alex shouted happily as he held up the contract of going to America.

The others cheered happily to success for the show.

"That's what l call crack-a-lackin' to the mack-a-lackin'!" Marty shouted happily.

"We did it, Katie!" Stefano shouted happily to Katie as he hugged her.

"We did a great job." Katie said.

"Maybe l am average intelligence after all!" Stefano said.

"Perhaps even slightly above." Alex said.

"No, l don't think so." Stefano said.

Vitaly goes next to Alex and Mariah.

"Hair conditioner. Great idea, my friends. Feel. Go ahead. Soft like kitten, no?" Vitaly asked.

"Look at that." Stefano said.

"Slippery, but not flammable." Alex said.

"At least, it's helps Vitaly to go through the hoop." Mariah said, carrying Adriana.

"You smell like peaches and herb!" Stefano said.

Brandon and Gia swing together as they hold hands to each other in a happy mood.

"Gia and Brandon, the trapezing cat and hedgehog!" Gia shouted happily.

"We did pretty good." Brandon said.

"You will flip, and l will catch. And sometimes l will flip, and you will catch. And then we will both flip, and we'll travel the whole world! Flipping and catching, and l will flip you..." Gia explained.

Alex looked at Mariah and the gang while they were dancing. He was worried about something while in silent. Alex walks up to Gia.

"You know, the thing is... Mariah, out daugther Adriana, and I may not always be around." Alex said.

"Where are you two going?" Gia asked.

"Well, We.. are..." Alex said.

Suddenly, there were honking noises, and it was Captain DuBois and her henchmen on scooters.

"Bravo, bravo! What a heartwarming performance, Monsieur Circus Master. lt brought tears to my eyes. No, not really." Captain DuBois explained to the King of Versailles.

Alex presses the speaker button on the phone to signal the penguins. The penguins played card game until they heard a voice on the phone.

"Monsieur, we both know the lion, the lioness, and even their cub don't not belong to you." Captain DuBois' Voice said in the phone.

"lt's that horrid woman!" Private said to the others.

Captain DuBois shows the two pictures of Alex and Mariah to the King of Versailles.

"They are a fugitive from justice. You will turn the lion and lioness over to me so that l may put them with their child where they all belong." Captain DuBois explains to the King of Versailles.

Captain DuBois goes up to Alex and Mariah as she tied them with a pole with a wire string. Alex protects Mariah as Mariah holds on Adriana tightly.

"On my wall." Captain DuBois said.

The penguins were on the ropes to sneak behind the henchman, and karate chopped them to knock them down.

"What?" Captain DuBois asked.

"lncoming!" Skipper shouted.

Skipper knocks out Captain DuBois as she drops the two papers. Captain DuBois landed on a cannon that has loads of dynamites and got tied up by a lot of ropes with her henchmen.

"Outgoing!" Skipper shouted as the penguins lighted the cannon.

"Wait!" Captain DuBois shouted.

The cannon booms and sends Captain DuBois flying high with her henchmen.

"Up high! Down low. Too slow. Well done, Private." Skipper said as the penguins give high fives to each other.

"Did l do good?" Private asked.

"Nah, not really." Skipper replied.

Gia picks up the two papers, and the circus animals read them.

"Man, that was close!" Melman said.

"Alex? Mariah? Are you two from a zoo?" Gia asked.

They all went silent.

"Yes. Yes. But wait, there's more." Alex said.

"More?" Gia asked.

"Or less. There's less." Alex said.

"You were never circus?" Vitaly asked.

"We had to say we were circus, or you'd never have let us on the train." Mariah said.

"What about Adriana?" Esmerelda asked.

"She was born in Africa..." Alex tried to explain.

"After all we have been through together... You guys want to go live in a zoo?" Gia asked.

"Gia, l..." Brandon said.

"You used us." Vitaly said.

"No, no, no. l mean, yes, but..." Alex said.

"Trapeze, americano, you make that up, too?" Gia asked Brandon.

"lt didn't exactly exist when l taught. We told you about myself with Mariah and Katie." Brandon said.

"If it wasn't for Gia, we would have got caught by the police when we met you guys." Katie said.

"l should have known." Gia said.

"The circus activities that you guys do was not real, either?" Stefano asked.

"Yeah, that's not real. But look at what we did." Alex said.

"l was shot out of a cannon! l could have died!" Stefano shouted.

"But l thought it was your lifelong dream." Katie said.

"For all l know, your name is not even Alice." Stefano said to Alex.

"No, Stefano, but it never really was." Alex said.

"l don't feel safe!" Stefano shouted as he started to cry.

Gia hugs Stefano to calm him down.

"Gia, l..." Brandon said.

"We trusted you." Gia said.

The circus animals started to walk away in depressed.

"My tears are real! You are not!" Stefano shouted as he cried.

"l can't believe you lied to all us circus folk." Skipper said as the penguins followed to the circus animals to cry away.

The gang stay in silent, worriedly after what they have done.

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