Chapter 2

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It is Christmas morning.
Maya wakes up to her phone buzzing.
It's Riley.
R: Hey you OK? 
M: Of course. Nothing wrong.
R: I can hear your sarcasm through the phone. See ya in a sec.
On that I didn't know how to respond so I just throw my phone.
Probable time to get changed.
Maya didn't understand what Riley meant by see ya in a sec since she is staying at the Matthews until her mom came back.
Katy and Shawn decided to go together somewhere and left Maya at Cory and Topanga's.
Maya quickly gets dressed and heads to the dining room.

Maya's outfit👆

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Maya's outfit👆

She pours herself a glass of juice then Auggie comes out.
Auggie is Riley's seven year old brother and Maya likes him.
"Hey Auggie. You thirsty?" I ask and pour him a glass of juice.
"Thanks Maya," Auggie says and drink up.
"Where are your parents and Riley?" I ask.
Auggie didn't answer me but then I heard a knock on the door.
"It's your uncle Josh. Will you mind giving me a few minutes?"
Auggie left instantly and I open the door.
"Come in Josh. Juice?"
"How did you know it was me?" Josh asked and I poured him juice.
"Because I'm not expecting guests," I say and hand Josh the glass.
"I didn't like the way we left things last night. I wanna talk."
Suddenly Maya is light headed.
"You okay?" Josh asks and Maya nods her head.
"Yeah I'm fine. You don't have to talk to me about last night. I understand," says Maya.
Josh sights and takes Maya's hand.
"Josh what are you doing?" Maya asks and Josh pulls her to the sofa.
"Okay what is going on? And don't say it is nothing," Josh said.
It was clear that I couldn't hide it anymore.
Maybe I should just come out with it then.
I take a deep breath and stare down.
"Kidney disease," I said and could see the shock on his face.
"I found out after my fourteenth birthday and never was the same. Eventually Shawn found out and decided to help," Maya said.
"How long?" Josh asks.
"They can't say. Within the next two months I will have to go on machines. The medication has caused liver problems and they might have to operate," I said and have to catch my breath again.
"Maya why didn't you say something?" Josh asked.
Maya looks him in the eye and breath out.
"I didn't know how. Shawn is basically covering my medication. I'm already on his medical aid and he has been helping me for awhile now," Maya said.
"I didn't know you had..."
"There are a lot of people who don't," I rudely interrupt Josh and try to hold back my tears.
"Please don't tell anyone," Maya begs Josh.
"I won't," Josh said in a sweet voice.
"I have been having side effects like lack of sleep and memory loss. I haven't been doing great in school," Maya said.
"I'm sorry," Josh said knowing this is really hard to admit.
"No it's fine," Maya said.
"No it's not. How far is it?" Josh asks and I have to think first.
"They guess it developed short before we met two years ago," Maya said.
"How did you hide it so well?" Josh asks and moves closer to Maya.
"I try. I am in a good place in my life and the doctors don't think I will be able to get a good transplant plus the liver damage..."
Josh knew that he only had one question and knew the answer.
"Does Riley know?" Josh asks and Maya shook her head.
"No. Please Josh. You can't tell her. Please. I'm begging you."
"Okay. I won't. But you will have to say something," Josh said.
It was clear that it's hard for Maya but Josh knew her better than that.
"Maya you will need support when things are getting worse," Josh said and a tear escapes from Maya's eyes.
"Okay I'll tell them. Just give me a little time," Maya said.
"I will. And shout if you need help," Josh said.
"Thank you Josh," Maya said and wiped her tears away.
"I gotta get going. See you tonight," Josh said.
"Okay," Maya said and Josh stood up.
He rubbed Maya's back as he was leaving and head out the door.
She knows that she will probably have to tell everyone soon.
But how soon she won't be able to tell.
She'll take it one day at a time and see if she will have the courage.

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