Chapter 9

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"You know this might just be the worst birthday ever," Maya said as she sat down on the couch.
"Sorry for that. At least we have cake," Riley said taking a bite of a strawberry cake.

Of course it was Maya's sweet sixteen today but she didn't have anything planned.
Her parents are coming back next week and hopefully by then she'll have a lot more done than she thought.
Of course she wished they were there today but she knew they couldn't be.
The two girls smile at each other as Josh comes through the door.

"Isn't it too early to be celebrating?" Josh asked and Maya smiled.
"She's sixteen today so give her a break," Riley said.
"I know what the date is. Happy birthday, Maya," Josh said and Maya smiled as her phone rang.

"Maya Hart? Yes, it's her," Maya said as she looked over at Josh and Riley.
"Wow. Um, thank you very much," Maya said as Josh looked at her curious to what is going on.
"No, that won't be a problem. I'll see you guys then. Goodbye," Maya said as she put the phone on the table.

"Am I gonna have to strangle it out of you or what?" Josh said as Maya smiled.
"They got the organs. I'm being operated on Wednesday," Maya said.
"What? That's amazing," Josh said taking Maya into his arms.
"It's good. You're gonna be okay," Riley said giving Maya a hug.

Maya let out a sigh of relief as she was going to be okay.
The operation was going to change her life possibly forever and she was going to get everything she could ever dream about.
Now she was going to focus on other stuff.

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