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Alec opened the door to Tessa's room and saw that she was peacefully sleeping with her teddy bear close to her chest. Seeing Tessa sleep made Alec think about how childhood was so much easier than teen life. Children think that they have the best life that they could ever live and there could be nothing in this world that could change that. Alec hoped that Tessa's life would be different than his or anyone else's. She's only a child, there was no way that she could be ready for the pain that will come when she's older.

Alec then felt a tap on his shoulder and looked behind him. Magnus was standing there and had his hand's on his shoulders.

"Ready to go?" Magnus whispered.

"Yeah, I'm ready," Alec replied.

Alec stepped back and closed the door gently. Magnus and Alec were then walking down the stairs but before they could reach the first floor, Magnus stopped Alec. Alec looked at Magnus filled with worry.

"Magnus, what's wrong?"

"Alexander, I haven't been honest with you," Magnus said.

"What do you mean?"

"I need to tell you about Camile."

Alec's stared into Magnus' gold-green eyes when he mentioned about Camile.

"Magnus, you know, you don't have to-"

"I have to, if I don't tell you now then it will just end up eating me alive."

Alec stayed silent, he didn't know what to say.

"It was a long time ago, I was in school and I was known to be the popular playboy. Really, that was just an act so that way people wouldn't see me suffering. My parents had expected so much of me and it never seemed that I could catch a break."

Magnus looked down to his shoes, Alec could've sworn that Magnus was going to cry.

"And then I met Camile, I don't know how but she just seemed like she truly cared more than anyone else. When we started dating, I thought I was the happiest man in the entire world because I found love."

Magnus looked back up at Alec.

"However, when I told her that I loved her, she told me that she didn't want that kind of relationship with me. When she told me this, I was heartbroken, I thought it was the end of the world. I broke it off with her and never gave it a second thought about going back with her. When we broke up, she became possessive and constantly wanting to get back with me but I told her no. It got out of hand and that's when I had no choice but to put a restraining order on her."

"By the angel..."

"She didn't take it well and she still violated me."

"What happened to her?"

"She was sent to jail for a year and after that, I never saw her again until now."

"Magnus I am...I am so sorry that you had to go through that."

"It was for the best, Camile needed to understand that once something is over then it's over."

Alec couldn't believe that Magnus had to go through that. Seeing these events must've left a permanent mark on his life. A mark of traumatization and it would never go away for as long as he lived.

Alec went up to Magnus and hugged him tightly. Alec could hear Magnus sobbing in his shoulder. Alec closed his eyes and held him close.

"It's okay, Magnus, I'm here."

Magnus buried his face in Alec's neck. The tears staining this skin.

"I'm here."

Turning Into Who You Truly Are (A Malec Story)Where stories live. Discover now