I have seen less yard sales lately,
Driving through the suburbs looking for
Used junk I'll keep on my shelf.
The only things used I can find
Are video games, consoles, computers.Everything has to be new, new, new.
Everything in the stores has also become
Dusty and full of age.
Why walk around in your anxiety
When you can buy things from the computer
GOING OUT OF BUSINESS.These words plague big businesses now.
I wonder why I was born before the Internet
Overtook our lives, and I wonder why
I've grown up it being imperative to mine.I have seen less people in the streets lately,
Driving through small plazas in search
Of that meaning of what it's like to be a part of
The Electronic Age.
The Beginning To The End
PoetryI've never been a poet, that much is certain, but I can tell you that it does get written. A lot. These are the collections of my poetry I've written, and some of them hit hard for me.