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I was walking away from the training room while I was taking off the bandages off of my knuckles. I looked at them and saw they were all sorts of bloody."Great..." "(Y/N)?" I turned around seeing my older brother Lance. "Hey bro." "What happened to your knuckles?!" He panicked while taking my hands. "I was training" "For what?" "Just in case I ever need to take over flying a lion, like when Keith took over for Shiro. Or you know I get taken by a Galra." He looked at me and sighed "That will never happen cause I'm here for you." (I was half tempting to put CAUSE I AM HERE XD) "It's just a precaution. Now I would like to wash up before dinner." "Alright." He let my hands go but kissed the top of my head. "NOOO! AFFECTION!!" "YOU NEED MORE AFFECTION!!!" "NEVER!!!!!" I screeched as I ran to my room. "Fuck..." I got in the shower and saw the bruises on my legs and arms from attacking the robot. "I need to remind Keith to put it back to my fucking level when he's done with the shit. I'm not as strong as the black haired bastard." 

When I got out I was wearing a black tank top with an (F/C) hoodie over it left unzipped. Black leggings and black shoes. A knock on the door and I knew who it belonged to. "Come in Keith!" The door opened and there stood the leader of Voltron. "Hey (Y/N)" "What did you need? Just saying not training already did. Oh and fix the level next time you use the damn robot." "Dearly Noted." "Sarcasm noted." He rolled his raven eyes and I smirked. "What did you need Keith." He diverted his Gaze from me and to the floor like it was what he wanted to look at. "If you like my floor so much just sleep on it." I joked. He actually laughed then looked at me. "I was wondering if you wanted to go for a fly later. In the black lion." "Sure I don't see why not Nothing really fun to do here anyway." He nodded and I swear I saw his eyes sparkle a little when I agreed. "Alright after dinner?" "After dinner. This gal is hungry!" He laughed then stretched out his hand. "Come on." I took his hand and for some reason got high Aladdin Vibes. He gripped my hand and I walked up to him. 

We walked into the kitchen and Lance gave me a concerned glance while giving Keith a Death Glare! Pidge and Hunk were talking about something and of course, Coran and Allura are not here and Shiro wasn't here either. I shrugged and looked at my plate. 'Space goo actually doesn't taste that bad after a while' I thought as I ate my food. "You ok (Y/N)? You're really quiet which isn't normal" "Huh? Oh yeah, I'm fine Hunk. Just thinking about shit." "Language." I looked at the door and saw Shiro. "My bad Space Daddy." Everyone laughed while Shriro blushed a deep red. "D-DON'T SAY THAT!" "IT'S TRUE!" I shouted back; "There's (Y/N)" Hunk exclaimed making us basically kneel over in laughter. Shiro sat next to Keith and they started talking and of course, I can't hear them cause they're whispering. I smirked and Lance noticed smirking along with me. I crept over there as quietly as I could and jumped up and when I came back down I slammed my hands on their shoulders scaring the shit out of them. "AHHH!" "WHAT ARE YOU TWO WHISPERING ABOUT?!" 

To be fair to them my hands are now hurting about 2 times as much as their shoulders but it was fucking worth it!"Ow! Nothing (Y/N)" "Yeah." I rubbed my hands and knuckles and rolled my eyes. "Lies! Anywho I'll be in my room if anyone needs me." I looked at Keith and he nodded. I waved goodbye and went to my room. 'Do I actually do my hair?' I thought as I looked at my current outfit in the mirror. "Yeah just in case." I grabbed my brush and did something to it. "That's ok at the very least it isn't a fucking mess." I grabbed my suit right then did a knock come from my door. 'It isn't Keith's usual knock' "Come in!" The door opened to see my older brother with his arms crossed. "Hey Bro-Bro what's up?" "Where are you going?" "I have no idea." "What do you mean?" "I mean I have no idea. Just gonna fly around with Keith." "HA HA! I wasn't going crazy!" "Huh?" "How could you hang out with my enemy!" "Cause I can?" "You did it out of spite! Didn't you!" He whined. I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms over my chest. "No, I didn't. He asked me and I accepted. I-" "Is there a problem with that Lance?" 

We both looked at the door to see Keith in his suit and leaning against the door. I pushed Lance out of my room then looked at Keith. "Be out in a tick." I closed the door, took off my jacket then put on the (F/C) Suit Allura made for me. I grabbed my helmet and put it under my arm. The door slid open and I smiled at Keith. "Let's go!" He looked like he was caught in a daze and I snapped my fingers in his face. "Keith, you ok?" "Yeah! I'm fine!" He grabbed my hand and we walked to the Black Lion's hanger. "Wait!" We looked behind us and Lance was there. "Keith!" "Lance." "Where are you taking my sister?" "Somewhere." Lance stepped up to Keith which Keith returned. Lance grabbed the half Galra's hair and yanked him down. "Lance!" I yelled. "(Y/N0 shush for a tick please?" I stepped back and let my brother do his thing. "If my sister comes back with even 1 fucking scratch I will kill you! Got it, Keith?!" Lance threatened with Keith under him. "Got it Lance just let go of my hair!" He let go of his hair and pushed him back to me. He hugged me then kissed the side of my head. "Have fun (Y/N). Be safe ok?" I nodded and he let go. 

~Keith's POV~

'I didn't know Lance could be fucking scary' I thought as a shudder went down my spine and he walked away. "That was something huh?" I joked and she chuckled. "Yeah. But that's my brother for you." I shrugged and motioned for her to come. She skipped to my side and we walked into the Lion. I sat down and she stood behind me. I smirked then grabbed her wrist putting her on my lap. She turned pink and looked up at me. "K-Keith what the f-" "Language (Y/N)." She smiled then playfully punched my chest. "Screw you." I laughed and flew out of the Hanger. We were cruising around and her eyes were just as sparkling and shiny as the stars themselves. "No matter how many times I see it I can never get sick of it. It's beautiful!" She got more comfortable in my lap as I stayed as still as possible. "What did you want to show me?" "Hold on and I'll show you." She gripped onto my forearms and nodded. 

 'Thank god Shiro unlocked this ability.' The lion teleported Out of the galaxy we were in and I positioned it to look exactly at it. "Woah Your telling me when we wormhole away we're going from this to another?" "Yeah." "It's...amazing! It's gorgeous!" "Not as gorgeous as you." "What?" She turned around so she was facing me her legs on my sides. "Not as gorgeous as you," I repeated putting my hands on her waist. "Keith-" I cut her off by kissing her soft plump lips. I slid my eyes closed and felt her kiss back. I wrapped my arms around her waist and brought her closer to me. She put her arms around my neck and tangled her fingers in my hair. After a few minutes, she pulled away and looked into my raven eyes. I looked into her (E/C) eyes like I was under a trance. "Never thought kissing a Galra would be that fantastic." She joked as she put her hand on my cheek. 

"I love you (Y/N)!" "I love you to Keith." "I should have asked you to fly around earlier." I laughed and she smiled as she nodded. "Yep! You should have." "Well, tomorrow do you wanna fly again?" 

"Wouldn't miss it for the universe."

My Space Loves {♡Voltron x Reader♡}Where stories live. Discover now