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💜✍ Here is another Lancey boi!!! Yays!! So yays! This is one of those soul-mate ones! Whatever you write on yourself or get tattooed etc goes on your soul mate as well!! Everyone is on Earth and in Highschool. Okay, let's get going✍💜

~Your POV~

I looked at the back of my hand and a drawing of a rose appeared in a black pen. Writing started to appear and it made me smile "As beautiful as a rose's shape, as fierce as its thorns, as delicate as its petals and as lovely as the rose." "My soul-mate is such a flirt...I like it." I've always been one for cheesy pickup lines. They made me smile. I picked up an (F/C) pen and wrote back "Trying to be cute? Well, good cause its working" down my wrist. I put the pen down and smiled as words started to appear next to my own "Yes!! My soulmate has a sense of humor!" I smiled and softly kissed it. My soul mate and I have known each other since kindergarten. We've talked I guess you can say. We've never met face to face....yet.

'Can't wait until I find you Mon amour' I jolted in my seat when heard my phone go off "Thought I put you on vibrate damn!" I saw it was Keith and answered "Sup Boo!" "Why do you say boo? You are not a ghost." "Whatever what did you need?" "Well for one, We're getting a new kid from Cuba tomorrow." "Let me guess 'Shiro told me'" "Yeah. Second, wanted to wish you a good night. You haven't had enough sleep recently" "Yeah I know I'm talking with-" "Your soul mate? Yeah, I know your arms are covered by the end of the day" I blew a raspberry and rolled my eyes. "DoEs It LoOk LiKe I cArE?" "No." "Good!" We both started laughing and after a couple more minutes I hung up and picked back up my Pen.

"Bonne Nuit Mon Amour. I have school tomorrow" They wrote back "Goodnight Rosa. I have to sleep to. New high school tomorrow" I smiled and laid down in bed wondering if it's a coincidence that we have a new kid tomorrow and that my soul mate has a new school tomorrow. 'Guess we'll see tomorrow'

~Time Skip next day~

I got up and groaned almost throwing my phone thanks to the alarm I had on it. "Damn Alarm walking me up" I yawned and went to the bathroom to wash off everything off my arms. I was going to wash off the rose and the words but I didn't. I love it. It only now dawned on me that I never asked my soulmate for their name. 'I guess it's more special if we meet' I got dressed in an (F/C) tank top with a white and grey flannel over my shoulders and tied around my mid torso. I have blue ripped jeans and black jordans. My hair was left alone other than brushing it.

I winked at myself through the mirror and grabbed my bag running out of my house to school. I saw Keith and Shiro a little ahead so I sprinted and jumped on Keith's back making him swear loudly and grip on me tightly. "SUP ASSHATS!" "FUCKING HELL (Y/N)!" "LANGUAGE!" I laughed and wrapped my arms right around Keith's neck. A lot of people assumed we were Soulmates since we were always around each other but NOPE!! We already tried but wasn't us to. Keith suspects its Shiro and I think that would be cute!

"Have you guys seen the new kid?" "No not yet" "Me either." "You guys are the worst" "Thanks Dipshit" I rolled my eyes at Keith and sighed "Well let's see!" I kicked his side and he rolled his eyes but ran with Shiro behind us. "FASTER MY NOBEL STEED!" "As you wish my knight" I laughed as we ran but we almost ran into a tallish male with brown hair and Keith accidentally launched me into him. I groaned in pain and apologize to the male. "I'm so sorry!" "It's okay Princessa" "Oh your the new kid! Shit, I'm sorry! I'm (Y/N) (L/N)!" "Lance McClain" I smiled and helped him up by his hand. I swear I saw something on the back of his hand but shrugged it off.

"Let me help you get to class." He showed me his schedule and I smiled "Woah we have almost all classes together." "Wish What kind of coincidence is this?" I shrugged and led him to class. He talked about how excitedly nervous he was but I told him everything was gonna be fine. When we got to Class I told him to sit next to me. "It'll be easier if you know someone."

~Lance's POV~

"Your not wrong" I replied to the attractive (H/C) haired girl. She moved her hair from her face and I saw a rose on the back of the palm. I raised an eyebrow and looked at my palm the rose still there. I decided to test something but before I could the professor walked in and class started. 'This could be my Rosa!' We were walking from class and I decided to test it. I brought out a blue pen out of my bag and wrote down "Rosa?" On my palm. She looked on her palm and smiled. She pulled out an (F/C) pen. She wrote something down and I looked at my wrist. "Hello, Mon Amour! I'm at school" 'this is My Rosa!' "Look next to you Rosa" She cocked her head then looked at me and I showed her the rose and our conversation on my wrist.

She looked at me and her face went pink. "M-Mon Amour?" "It's me Rosa" She smiled brightly and hugged me tightly. "I finally found you Mon amour!" "I'm here Rosa!" We were hugging in the hallway and she was a bright and happy mess. 'I found my soul mate' "I love you (Y/N)!" "I love you Lance"

💜✍Welp I'm tired here you go 💜✍

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