💚My Star and Moon💚

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Pidge!!! I absolutely love her and in my opinion, is tragically underrated! So I wrote this! Ok so in this there will be a couple of warnings (I know already only the third fucking chapter) Anyway here are your warnings

Girl X Girl

OK! I think that's it! Let's do this!


"This looks gorgeous!" "I know right?" I looked at Shiro who was telling Matt and me to be careful as we got the crystal. "Maybe we can see Aliens!" I exclaimed doing a scary voice. "Oh shut up (Y/N)!" "What? We could be the first humans to find proof of Alien life!" "Well, I have a sister to get to and you have a girlfriend to get to." I blushed lightly and punched his shoulder softly. "Shut up!" He laughed and pulled the crystal out. I got up with mine and the plant shook a little. "Planetquake?" "Not possible!" I looked up after Matt spoke and saw a ship. "That isn't ours!" "RUN!" I didn't hesitate to drop the crystal and run after Shiro. People wearing heavy armor and carrying guns dropped in front of us and aimed their guns at us. 'Fuck!'

I woke up as we were being dragged and looked around frantically. "The hell?" "The female is awake." "Cover her mouth. Females talk too much." "But she looks pretty! Maybe we can just let her talk? She might have a beautiful voice along with her face." He put his hand on my cheek and I resisted the urge to flinch. 'If I move they might shoot me...' "See! She's even trained!" "Fine!" I sighed in relief and looked to my side seeing Shiro, Matt and His father asleep. 'Guys!! Please wake up!' I thought as if they could hear me. "Come on Girly~ Zarkon would love to see you four." My (E/C) eyes widened but walked none the less. "Very Obedient! I bet one of these males snapped her into line!" "What if she was born like this?" 'No you assholes! I'm just trying not to get my friends and I killed!' "What's your name Girly?"

"(Y/N)" "A pretty name!" They opened the door ad we walked through. I could see Shiro stirring awake. "Huh?" We went into a throne room and one of the males bowed to the male on the throne. "We found these four on a planet." Shiro snapped awake and yelled. "Please! We are unarmed! We are from a Pacific planet! We-We come in peace!" I looked at Shiro terrified and he returned the look but not to me but to the king. "Bring me the girl!" The male pinning my arms behind my back picked me off the ground and pushed me to the king. I landed on my knee and looked up at him. He seemed interested and amused. "Never see a female often." He played with the strand of my hair that was in my face and I dared not move or say anything. "(Y/N!" "Take them out of here" The male went to grab me but the king stopped him. "Not her." He nodded bowed then left after knocking Shiro out.

I looked in tears as they dragged them away. "You can talk now" "Are they gonna get hurt." He looked at me confused but intrigued. "I allow you to speak and that's the first thing you ask? Are you not concerned about your own safety?" "No." "Hmm...Well to answer your question if they are as obedient as you are no they shall not be harmed but if they fail to cooperate they will be harmed. Same goes for you. If you step out of line you will be harmed. Is that understood?" I nodded and looked down. "Now your name?" "(Y/N), (Y/N) (L/N)"


I jumped awake and looked seeing I was still in my room like a cell. I looked at my right leg and grimaced remembering the pain of getting it replaced with Galra machinery. Zarkon, the Emporer, told me it was a reward for being an obedient girl for all these years. I sighed remembering I was now alone in this. Shiro, Matt, and his father are gone. Of course, no one thinks it was me cause I'm almost always by the Emporer's side unless he is busy. 'How many days has it been since they left? Or was it weeks?..months?' An alarm was blared and I jumped up and straightened my (F/C) dress Zarkon gave me. "(L/N)!" One of the guards opened my door and grabbed me. "Intruders. I was ordered to get you somewhere!" I nodded knowing if I fought back Zarkon would kill me.

My Space Loves {♡Voltron x Reader♡}Where stories live. Discover now