💙Your Voice💙

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Let's been a little bit! Let's update this real quick. 

~Lance's POV~

It's been 2 years since we've gotten back and I was holding a get together/party for everyone! I was excited cause I haven't seen the crew for a while. I put up everything and got the food ready. There was a knock and I smiled and yelled: "Come in!" I looked over and it was Shiro and Keith. "Hey, Guys!! It's been a while!" "It really has sharpshooter." I smiled then saw someone else walk in. It was a female it was obvious. Around the same height as Keith and she had (H/L) (H/C) hair and bright (E/C) eyes. Shiro must have caught me staring and snapped his fingers. He must have noticed my initial confusion. "She is Curtis' and my daughter. You can go introduce yourself (N/N)"

The girl smiled and waved as she walked up to me. "Hello, I'm (Y/N) Shirogane! A pleasure to meet you, Lance McClain!" I blushed a bright red and looked at her. Her voice was as smooth as silk yet sweet as honey. "Pl-Pleasure to meet you as well (Y/N)" She nodded before going back to Shiro. "Daughter?" "We adopted her a year and a half ago." I nodded and let them make themselves comfortable. (Y/N) was cute, she appeared to be around my age. I forced my gaze away from her when I heard more knocks

~Time Skip~

A few hours have past and everyone was here. We were all having fun! Hunk brought his Partner Ace and they're a blast. We were all laughing and having so much fun. 'Nothing about them has changed at all' We all caught up with each other and caught up on insults. (Y/N) looked like she was having fun but kinda stayed out of the way. She didn't leave the couch at all. Mostly staying silent. The only time she talked was to introduce herself to everyone. She seemed to already know our names. 'Shiro must have told her' 

Hunk and Ace brought a karaoke machine and we all took turns singing. Some...were..... let's just say.....they tried...Sorry, Hunk. The best so far was a tie between Ace and Keith. (Y/N) videotaped everything. I sat next to her and smiled. "Hey (Y/N)" She looked over and paused her video. "Hello Lance, everyone here is so nice. I'm so glad my dad has friends like you guys" I blushed and nodded. "Shiro is the best so it's only right he has the best of friends." She laughed softly and I swear it could kill me. Her laugh was absolutely angelic. I could listen to it all day. "Lance?" She snapped her fingers in my face. "Oh, Y-Yeah?" "You were zoning out it was funny." I chuckled and looked at the machine. Ace and Keith just finished their duet and the machine was empty. 

"Hey (Y/N) you should sing!" Her face went pink and she looked at me. "I-I don't kn-know I'm no good at si-singing." I raised an eyebrow and smirked. "Oh really well show me! I think you'd be a great singing" Her face went red and she looked at the machine. "I-I mean...Fi-Fine" I smiled "Yay! (Y/N)'s Gonna sing!!" I called out. Shiro looked at her in shock and smirked. "Oh really? Go (Y/N)!" She looked down.  She got there and started tapping on the screen. She sighed softly into the microphone as the music started playing.

"Suga boom boom I'm chasing dragons these dragons got my hand

Suga boom boom I'm robbing people but I'm an honest man!" 

She started to get into it and closed her eyes. 

"Suga boom boom I'm chasing dragons these dragons got my hand
Suga boom boom I'm robbing people but I'm an honest manLet me tell you straight up homie this story's not rehearsed
Done my share of drogas and with this, I'm feelin' cursed"

She was swinging her hips and a smile went on her lips.

"Done a little tiempo – paid for my crime
Got out all healthy now parole's going just fine
Smoke a little yesca no more black sand
Got to feed mi Jale cause now I'm an honest man"

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