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OK... This one is a more serious chapter and there should be a lemon before or after this so... Sorry. OK hope you like this... I guess also Galra reader but you know with Voltron

~💘Your POV💘~

8th wheel!
Scaredy Cat!
Fuck Up!
Dead weight!

I looked at my now bandaged arms and legs and pulled down my sleeves and sweats. I put on my bright smile as I look into the mirror. My once glowing and bright purple skin was darker. Bags under my eyes showing my lack of sleep. My (E/C) eyes dull but wide. My (H/C) hair a silky mess. My ears were almost flat on my head. My smile... My smile was as bright as ever... It told everyone I was the OK cause of how bright and contagious it was to others even if mine wasn't real. I opened my room and skipped out looking as 'Happy' as ever. "(Y/N)!" I looked over and saw Keith. I smiled and waved "Heya Keith!" I beamed at him and he smiled softly "Wondering if you wanted to train later" "Umm maybe I promised to help Pidge decode some of the Galra information you all collected. He nodded and waved me goodbye as I left.

I sighed and put my hand on my arm hissing softly. I went into the control room and saw Pidge groaning "Heya Pidgen" "Oh (N/N)!" I smiled and sat down next to her. She growled at the screen and I decided to help. "That's code for the military base that is in sector R-325 in Galaxy B-14. That's where they make, test and ship out the new guns that the Galra use." (THIS ISN'T TRUE THAT I KNOW OF! I JUST STARTED SAYING RANDOM SHIT) "Oh my god, thanks (Y/N)!" "No problem." Her glasses gleamed and she started typing away. I got up my smile dropping as I left the control room. 

I went over to where Kieth was to find him gone. 'Of course..' I went to the couch and crashed there and pulled out the phone pidge made me. It had an  (F/C) case with a black V for Voltron. I scrolled through my gallery and you could see my transformation from.....the old me to the new me...no one else could see the difference. 'They don't really care....No one does...I'm useless...' "(Y/N)!" I was snapped out of my thoughts by a loud flirtatious voice. "Heya Lance, what's up?" "Keith told me to get you. The three of us are gonna train...i-if you want to of course!" His face went red and I looked down taking it as fear. "Yeah, sure I don't see why not." I looked back up and beamed my eyes closed. 

"Awesome!" We went into the training room and Keith was fighting the robot. I sighed and pulled my shirt up a little tying it around my waist but kept my sleeves down. "You ok?" "Huh? Oh yeah, I'm good." I smiled at Lance and he nodded throwing me a sword. I grabbed it and hiss slightly since the handle hit my arm. I got into a fighting stance and they followed suit. "Now!" They both ran at me anime style and I jumped and kicked Lance's head and clashed swords with Keith. I flipped from the momentum and landed 5 feet away. He ran to me and slipped to my side I turned but he kicked my chest sending me flying. "Fuck." I looked and saw my sleeve riding up. 'Fuck gotta keep these down.' 

He jumped above me but I rolled away and got up running to the wall. I was about to jump but Lance came out of NOWHERE and kicked my side sending me to the other wall with a loud thud. I groaned but they both had their swords at my neck. I held back the urge to pressed my neck against the swords and smiled. "Brava you won." They smiled but Lance's dropped and turned to one of concern and worry. "What?" He grabbed my arm and I hissed in pain. I looked and saw my sleeve rode up showing my bandages. "Why do you have these?" "Uhh, I-It was uhh an a-accident" Keith walked over and went for the bandages. "N-No!" He unwrapped it and I looked down. "Those are-" "Cuts...(Y/N)." I ripped my arm from his hands, kicked them away and got up. 

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