💛Stress Eating💛

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Ok! Hunk! I love this dude he is fucking adorable!!! Ok here is your one-shot

~Your POV~

I was in my room eating some of the food Hunk made for me earlier and He was out on another mission and it was stressing me out. 'What if he got hurt? What if something happens? What if the Galra gets him? What is he goes through the same thing Shiro did? What if he gets amnesia and doesn't remember me?' "(Y/N)?" I jumped and looked at the door and saw Allura. "Oh, H-Hello Princess do you need anything?" Before you ask yes I'm Altean. I was Allura's father best and most trusted soldier. He forced me into the freezer to protect Allura and Coran if we ever awoke. "You've been in here for a while are you ok?" "Y-Yeah I'm fine, perfectly fine princess." "(Y/N)..." She looked around and saw food wrappers, plates, etc all over my room some new others from a few days ago. 

"Are you-" "Yes I'm fine Princess. I'm going to go train." I got up and went out of the door after bowing slightly. I grabbed water and some of the...chocolate...that Pidge showed me about. It was delicious!! I went to the training room, grabbed my sword, drank a bit of water and started up the robot."Level 10!" As I fought the robot my brain was thinking of all the bad things that could happen to the paladins...Hunk. They were her best friends and Hunk was her love. I stopped the robot and drank my water. 'If he's not ok I swear to Alfor everyone on that Galra ship is gonna feel my wrath.' 

I heard the hanger door close and I ran to the castle deck. I saw Pidge, Shiro, Lance, and Keith come out the door. I sighed in relief that they were ok. "(Y/N)? Are you ok?" I nodded at pidge "Yeah, I'm fine where is Hunk?" "He's in his lion. He said he wanted to chill for a little." I nodded and thanked Shiro, going to the Lion hanger. "Hunk! Get down here love!" The lion's mouth opened and he walked out hugging me softly. "How are you hunk?" "I'm ok Cupcake." I smiled and hugged him only causing him to wince in pain. "What's wrong?" "N-Nothing," I growled and dragged him to my room. I got a lot of weird looks from the paladins but I couldn't care. I sat him down and made him take off his armor. I saw a gunshot wound. It was only a graze but still. "Why didn't you say anything?" "I-it's only a graze-" "It doesn't matter!" I sighed and grabbed the med kit from my closet. 

He looked around and saw the plates. "You ok (Y/N)?" "Why are you worrying about me? You have a wound! I knew I should have gone but Princess Allura forbids me." I hissed in annoyance and started cleaning his wound. Thankfully for Hunk, it didn't sting. "Then I would be worried for you (Y/N)." I sighed and bandaged his wound before throwing him a shirt he left in here a while ago. "I know you would..." He put on the shirt before engulfing me in his infamous bear hugs. "Are you ok? You seem tense and stressed." "Y-Yeah I'm just used to being on guard at all times." He nodded then kissed the top of my head. "Alright just remember you can tell me anything." "I know. Now please leave I'm going to clean up my room." He nodded then left. "Ok....where do I begin?"

~Hunk's POV~

"I think something is wrong with (Y/N)!!" "Hunk calm down." "No! I-I think I did something Pidge!" "Keith help me here please." "Have you asked her if she's ok?" "Yeah!" I collapsed on the couch and put my head in my hands. "She kept saying I'm fine! I'm fine!" "That's all I got." "Really? Keith?" "Sorry, Pidge I'm not good at that!" I sighed and ran my hand through my scalp "Let me try newbies." "Lance, what would you do besides make it worse?" "Ouch, Pidge I have a heart. Anyway, Hunk if I was you I'd just wait for her to tell you. If you truly think something is wrong, wait for her to tell you or to acknowledge, there is a problem. If she doesn't want to acknowledge there is a problem bring it up now and again." "Damn Lance actually being smart." "Does thou want to fucking go, sir!?" Lance yelled at Keith. I nodded and got up. "Thanks, guys. You guys are the best." "No problem hunk." "Sure." "I know I am~!" "Shut up" 

I rolled my eyes then got to the kitchen. 'Making (F/P) (Favorite Pastry) Always cheers her up.' I started making it and let my thoughts go wild. 'What if she doesn't want to be together anymore? Do Altean's have monthlys? It would explain it but... I doubt it... Does she feel insecure about her weight? She's amazing! What if she doesn't trust me what if-' "Hunk?" I looked up and saw Allura. "Oh hey Allura what's up?" I asked as I finished the plate. "We need to talk about (Y/N).." "Yeah?" "Have you noticed how she's been eating lately?" "Yes?" "I think she's stress eating." "Stress eating? Why is she stressed?" "You." "Me?" "She cares about you a lot and she isn't used to sitting on the sidelines. She's used to being head first in battle protecting the people she cares about. You being headfirst into danger, must be racking her brain." "But-" "She wants to protect you and staying here is only making it worse." 

'She's stressed because of me...' "Please try and convince her that your fine and that she doesn't need to be stressed." I nodded and she hugged me. "Thank you Hunk." I hugged her back "No problem Allura." I let her go and grabbed the plate going to (Y/N)'s room. I knocked on the door and heard something crash inside. "FUCK!" I raised my eyebrow then sighed. 'I'm Gonna kill Lance later for teaching her that' The door opened and (Y/N) was there with a smile but holding her arm. "Oh, Hey Hunk. What did you need?" "What fell?" "I did. I was on the bed and your knocks scared me. I fell on the dresser." "Are you ok??" "Yeah, I'm good." "Are you sure?" "Yeah, I'm sure probably just a bruise. Come in." She opened the door and her room was cleaned once more. Only thing was the pile of dishes near the door. She sat on the bed and I sat next to her. 

"What did you need to talk about?" I placed the plate on the bed next to me and sighed. "I...I want to talk about you. Your mental and physical health.." "Oh well, then I'm fine! See nothing!" She showed me her arms and smiled. "Mentally?" She seemed to freeze a little and shook her head. "Nope! I'm fine!" 'Refusing to acknowledge the problem..' "Are you sure?" "yep!" "Well then...I guess that's out of the way." "Yep!" "Hey wanna know what we did today?" "Uhh..S-Sure!" I noticed her stutter and nodded. "Well, we were saving this planet, right?" "Yeah?" "Well, that planet had like a thousand Galra ships and guards!" "A-A thousand?" She shifted in her place and looked away from my eyes. "Yeah! They kept shooting at us and we kept shooting back! They even tried to kill some of the civilians before Keith came and saved them by making a risky dive!" 

She got up and started pacing probably forgetting I was the one telling the story and not her own head. "Pidge and Lance had trouble fighting against some of the guards and I jumped in and shot back. It's probably then when one of their shots grazed me!" "Oh, Alfor..." "I probably could have died." "N-No! I can't allow that!" She grabbed the (F/P) from the plate and started eating it as she paced. "I-I should be the one almost dying! I already risked my life hundreds of times before this! Why can't I help! Why do I have to sit and watch!" Her hands were shaking and she almost ran into the door. "You could freaking die and I can't do anything!" I got up and stopped her. "(Y/N)." "Hunk" She jumped a little with some of the pastry on her lip. "You're stress eating." "Am not!" I wiped it from her lip and showed it to her. "Most of the things I said wasn't even true. There were only 2 ships with at least 2 hundred guards each. They didn't try to kill the civilians cause we got them to safety thanks to Keith. Pidge and Lance helped me attack the ones I was having with. I did get grazed but I didn't notice until I got in my lion." 

She looked at me and sighed. "I..I am.." "You don't need to be stressed (Y/N). I'll be fine. I promise. I have the other Palidans to help me and I'll help them! You also don't go on the sidelines you help more than everyone telling us different battle strategies that you used to fight the Galra. You're the best!" She nodded and smiled softly. "Don't be so stressed." "O-Ok.." "I love you (Y/N)." "I..I love you to Hunk." 

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