🍋🖤Gentle or Rough🖤🍋

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OK so this was requested by CricketLuver And I love it! So here we are!

Dirty talk
Daddy kink
Pain kink
Ass slaps
After care

I died in a video game called (F/V/G) that Lance showed me and I was near the end. "Well then fuck me!" I groaned and threw the controller but at the door, Shiro was leaning with a smirk on his face "I can do that~" I froze for a second to process what he said "W-What?" "You heard me~" I blushed and scooted away slightly "Uh a-are you sure?" "Of course~" "O-oh" I looked away and he kissed my shoulder bringing me closer. "Mmm~" He turned me around to face him and he had a smirk. "Gentle or rough~?" "Rough~" Shiro grabbed my neck and threw me against the bed tying my hands and legs down with the rope we had in the closet. He teased me to no end. When he finally got bored of it he stripped off his clothes and my pants and undergarments. "Are you ready (N/N)~?" I nodded and he gave me a shit-eating smirk before- 

~💘Your POV💘~

I finished writing the fanfiction Pidge dared me to write and put my phone down. I was a blushing mess. Yes, I had a crush on Shiro and Pidge was the only one that knew but still ugggh! Thank god I had it on my phone typed on my notes so I could delete it later when Pidge saw it. "Paladins!" I jumped up and ran to the deck. I stood at attention since I was in the military before this. I was with Matt and Shiro on the planet to make sure everything went well and report back to my general and well Galra. "Yes, Princess?" "Where is everyone else?" "Coming... Now" Everyone ran down with Shiro in front and in armor. Since I'm not a paladin I don't have a lion but I still come down since I'm more often then not going with to help fight or get information.

"It still amazes me how (Y/N) gets here faster than the actual paladins." "I'm sorry Princess. We'll be faster" "I'm just used to getting called. Being a Sargent and all." Shiro smiled at me and I nodded hiding my blush. Pidge, of course, smirked at me before turning to the princess. She shook her head softly then spoke "For the next few days we will be laying low. So we can't draw attention to ourselves. That means you all can take a break." Everyone sighed in relief as I nodded "Anything else Princess?" she shook her head then excused us. I turned on my heel and walked away after saluting her. I started for my room but was stopped by Shiro. "Hey wanna train?" "Sure I don't see why not"

We went to my room so I could change. I opened my phone but then Lance called me from the other side of the castle. I groaned in annoyance and I threw my phone on the bed forgetting it was unlocked.  "Sorry, Shiro. I'll be right back. Feel free to make yourself comfortable. " He nodded and I saluted him before turning and leaving in a marching fashion.

~🖤Shiro's POV🖤~

She turned and left. I sat down on the bed and saw her phone was illuminated. I picked it up and saw it was on her notes. I saw some titled normal things like Weapons, Galra bases, Voltron team info, Drawing Ideas, etc. I scrolled down and saw one with just a lemon Emoji and a black heart. "Hmm?" I tapped it open out of curiosity. I scanned it and my eyes widened when I read it. "She-" I heard the door begin to open and I shut her phone off and put it back on the bed acting like I was reading a book she had next to her bed 'Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets... Nice'

"Didn't take you as an HP fan" "You'd be surprised" she smiled and went to her closet grabbing a black tank top black work out pants with an (F/C) strip on the side and around the waistband with her black combat boots. "I'll be right back OK?" I nodded and she turned walking to her walk-in bathroom. I glanced at her phone and back up at her back my eyes trailing down her body to her ass thighs and legs going back up to her neck and hair. I got up quietly but she already closed the door 'FUCK!' I started pacing her room and mumbled to myself

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