🖤🔥Please Don't Go🔥🖤

42 0 0

Male x Male
Mention of Death
Mention of blood

"Please....Shiro...Please Don't go" 

I smiled at him, My boyfriend of the past 3 years. "I'll be back before you even know it baby." I kissed his head and smiled. "Please...just...Come back soon." "I will, I promise." I lifted his head up and kissed him. "And I have a suprise when I come back! But you got to stay patient and Happy okay?" He smiled softly and nodded. "Okay" 

"I love you Shiro." 

"I love you too (Y/N)" 

I snapped up out of bed and looked around. "(Y/N)...?....Oh right..." I sighed and ran my hand through my air. "I'm not home yet..." I looked at the desk by my side and picked up a black velvet box. "I was Supposed to be home...3 years ago...We were supposed to be married..." I felt tears sting my eyes. "Does he even love me anymore? Did he find someone else?" I wiped my eyes and heard a knock. I got up and hid the box back in my desk. I opened the door to see it was Keith. "Oh Hello Keith." "Morning Shiro, Are you okay?" I nodded "Why Wouldn't I be?"

He pointed to my eyes. "Unless you have weed making you're eyes red Imma take it you were crying." I sighed. "Smart one...I  was but I can't be. I have a team to lead so we can go home." He shook his head. "It's about (Y/N) right?" I sighed again and nodded. I then felt him hug me and pat my back. "It's okay Shiro. You'll get to him soon okay?" I hugged him back. "I hope so." 

~Time Skip~

"We're finally Home!!!" Lance called out looking more happy than he has been for the past year. "Hey Shiro....where the hell is he?" I was long gone. I ran the moment we got off the train. I was heading home. Back to my boyfriend. Back to my life. I love the team I really do but I needed to find my love. I gripped on the box that was in my hand and ran as fast as I could. 

I finally got to the house and saw two cars in the driveway. "What?" I knocked on the door in sweat and panting. A Man I didn't reconized open the door. 'No please don't tell me.' "Um Hello?" "H-Hello..u-um is (Y/N) (L/N) here?" "(Y/N)?" I nodded. He let me inside and. The house was completely different. "Honey? Who was at the door?" It was a female's voice which gave me a sigh of relief. "What's you're name?" "Takashi Shirogane" He sat me down and sat down next to me. His wife walked down and smiled. "Oh Hello, Do I know you?" I shook my head. "No Ma'am. I just got back home from a space mission and was looking for my boyfriend, (Y/N) (L/N). This was our house." 

The woman's face fell into a frown along with the males. "Listen...Boy...(Y/N)...He died two years ago." My chest started hurting I felt like my heart was being stabbed and ripped apart. "H-How..." "When he lived here, there was a robbery. He was sitting in the living room when two people came in. He tried to fight them. But they were armed and shot him through the stomach and chest. Police found him 2 hours dead in the hallway..." Tears were running down my cheeks and my eyes were dull. "H-He...." His wife grabbed something off the counter and handed it to me. "He left this here with a note for a Takashi Shirogane though..." I took it and it was a box. "Th-Thank you....B-Both of you." I got up and bid them goodbye. I walked aimlessly looking at the box in my hands. 

I finally found myself at a park. I sat down and opened the box. There was a letter and things under neath. I opened it since it was folded and more tears escaped my eyes

Dear Shiro,

You've been gone forever!! You said you'd be back before I knew it and you lied! So i'm going to gice you the silent treament for like....2 hours! haha Anyway, I missed you my love. You promised to come back and you kept it! Thank you, I love you so much! Maybe later we can cuddle and you can tell me all that you did up in space! It must have been more exciting than staying with me. Tonight I'll make your favorite dinner and we can go out and get ice cream!....

I missed you my love. I never talked to another man or even let them hit on me. I'm you're still the day I die. You know how proud I am to call you mine. Maybe even take you're last name one day...or hell...vis Vera....There is a small box under this letter. Open it my love.

I put the letter now stained with my tears down and grabbed the box. I opened it and....It was a wedding ring. Simular to the one I was gonna give him. I grabbed it and put it on. "I-I do..."I cried into my hands and was shaking. My white hair falling into my covered face. 

"N-No...Pl-Please (Y/N)...Please...I-I don't wanna let you go...please....pl-please don't go.." 

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