🔥💘👑My Love👑💘🔥

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Okay so I had an Idea at 1:47 am so here we go! It's for the lovely Allura!! This is happening before and after the Galra attack...you'll see. LOVE YOUS!!

~Allura's POV~

I stood next to my Father as I watched my love being promoted to his right-hand soldier. She was so happy that her smile almost made everyone go blind from the brightness. She's been training and working hard to get here. I couldn't help but Giggle at her excited (E/C) eyes and a happy smile. "From this day forward You are My right-hand soldier (Y/N) (L/N)!" She put her right hand to her heart and bowed on her knee just like a soldier should. "I will protect you, your highness. I will put my life on the line for you and our dear Princess Allura. I shall stay loyal to the throne and protect my people even if it kills me."

My smile dropped slightly only now dawning on me that 'My beloved (Y/N) could die' The thought quickly disappeared as fast as it appeared. (Y/N) was the best Soldier in fathers military. Her heritage was often questioned to be connected to the Galra themselves but she made sure any negativity about her was revoked. She was one of the best people in Altea and everyone knew.

After the ceremony and the party for (Y/N). She escorts me upstairs to my bedroom. When we got to my room I hugged her tightly. She hugged me back and smiled into my shoulder. "I'm so happy" "I'm happy for you." I pulled from the hug and looked at her. She must have noticed the concern in my eyes and softly kissed my forehead. "I'm going to be okay. I promise." I smiled knowing she tried her very best to keep her promises.

"Okay, I trust you" "Good! Now Cuddles!!!" She was always one for cuddles and touches and kisses. She wasn't brought up right in life and craved touches from people she cared about just so she knew she was in the moment and that they were here with her. She took off her armor slipped into her pajamas she often left in here which was a simple (F/C) tank top and black sweat pants and laid on the bed arms outstretched to me.

"Come to me, my princess!" I laughed and got out of my dress "Hold on My knight I need to get out of my clothes" "Oh~ I see~" She was wiggling her eyebrows and I blushed, throwing a spare pillow from the floor at her. She dodged it of course but laughed anyway. "I was kidding Allura" We've been intimate a few times over our relationship but I can tell when she wants it and when she doesn't and right now she just wants cuddles and love, which I will happily give her.

I went into her embrace and she immediately wrapped her arms around me and buried her face in my neck, tangling our legs and our arms wrapped around the other. She always could sleep better with cuddles. It made her feel safe and loved.


I was standing in the courtyard in the town square and heard yelling. I curiously walked closer to it and saw a mother and daughter yelling. The daughter had so many scratches, bruises, scars, hit marks and the mother looked mad. "I HAVE THE RIGHT TO LEAVE YOU! I'M A WOMAN NOW!" "DON'T YOU DARE TALK BACK TO ME!" She raised her hand and slapped her to the ground. The girl started shaking but no tears came. "YOU BRAT! I RAISED YOU AND YOU REPAY ME WITH DISRESPECT!? I SWEAR I-" "That's enough!" They both froze and looked at me.

"Princess! I-I was just-" "Abusing your daughter? Cause that's what I saw and heard." I walked over to her and helped her up "Th-Th-Thank you, Princess." "Of course..." "(Y/N) I helped (Y/N) walk away and her mother kept screaming. She shook in fear anger sadness everything. I helped her to the castle and we took her in. That night while she slept she was crying and curled in a ball. I walked in to help her and she flinched when I reached out to touch her but then relaxed under my touch. "Princess?" "Yea (Y/N)?" "C-Could you stay with me?" I nodded and went in the bed with her and hugged her. She went to sleep quickly.


I kissed her now sleeping head and she smiled in her sleep. "Goodnight My Love"

~Time Skip a couple of days~

(Y/N)'s been more on edge the past couple of days. She won't tell me why but she keeps checking on me more frequently. Even Father doesn't know what's wrong. One of the soldiers knew tho. "(Y/N)'s danger sense is never wrong. She keeps watching the skies I'm not sure why but we were ordered to stand guard 24/7 until her sense is gone." I nodded and thanked him. He saluted me and left. I didn't understand what she could have been sensing danger from until it was too late. On my way to see (Y/N) firing of guns were heard and explosions. The alarm was blared in the castle and I saw (Y/N) zoom from the training room to the door.

"(Y/N)!!" She froze and looked at me. We made eye contact and she ran over picking me up bridal style. "Allura...I'm sorry" "Wh-What are you doing? (Y/N)?" She didn't respond and soldiers were running past us off to fight. I tried to get her to answer buy nothing. She was hurt and sad but still pushed on 'My soldier' She ran and pushed me into one of the pods. "N-No! (Y/N)!" She made sure it sealed and walked in front of it putting her hand on the glass. My eyes widened and I went to scream "(Y-)" I was cut off and the last thing heard was "I love you Allura...I promised to protect you with my life...I am"


I was with the Palidans and laughed. Lance and Hunk were being Goofballs and put on a celebratory play for defeating more Galra ships. It reminded me so much of My Love but I learned not to dwell on the past. I knew she would want me to move on and get the Galra to pay. I could feel her hug like she was still here and smiled. Coran put his hand on my shoulder having been pushed in the pod earlier by (Y/N) and knew how close we were.

'I miss you, My Love...We shall be together once again...but not before I finish my duty...' I looked at Voltron and smiled 'you would have been proud of this team.' I looked at Shirl as he laughed with Keith 'Shiro is a great leader...you both would have been great friends Keith is a hot head but a real cinnamon roll...you both would have buttheads but still get along.' I looked at Lance and Hunk and they were making Pidge laugh 'Lance is a flirt but is sweet and very caring. Hunk is a great cook...you could learn a thing or two' I laughed softly 'Pidge is an incredibly smart girl. She is also very strong...I miss you, My knight...My soldier'

'My Love'

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