chapter fourteen

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The cold water fell onto my hands and cleared off the soap in no time. I patted my hands on my jeans and ran out of the woman's restroom. My urge to pee was cured and I was one happy woman at the time.

As I reach the car, the drivers' seat window lit up with a white light. I notice Sergio holding a phone. My mind realizes something. Sergio couldn't be holding his phone because he left it at home. Which comes to conclusion, he was holding mine, or found one randomly. First answer is more likely, and deadly.

I run to the car and quickly open the door to hop in. Sergio looks up surprised and drops my white iPhone.

"Uhm, hello." I say, almost out of breath. He locks his eyes onto me, and gives me a stare of anger. I quickly start to think of anything that could've possibly angered him, but nothing comes to mind.

"What's wrong..?" I speak up again, and Sergio places his hands on the wheel, gripping it with a tight force. He is quiet, and moves his head to face the windshield. He purses his lips together and collects the phone from the car floor.

"Why is Neymar texting you, Marina?" He says, still staring ahead. That was a question I didn't know the answer to either. I haven't talked to Ney since earlier today, when he decided to rudely enter my house. So, I couldn't exactly give him an answer.

"He is? Sorry, Sergio.. I don't text him in general." I lock my hands into each other and place them on my lap. I stay quiet and Sergio does the same. He grips the phone and unlocks it to begin scrolling through our messages from over a week ago.

They read:

Monday at 8:32pm.

Neymar: Hey babe whts up?

Me: Hey sweets! bueno nada pues y tu? (Translation: nothing much and you?)

Neymar: Just missing that sweet yet sexy voice of yours

Neymar: Sucks that you're Sergio's property )): If you werent I'd make a beauty like you belong to me in a heartbeat

Me: You're sweet but him and I are nothing more besides best friends honestly

Neymar: Ohhh.. okayy.. (;

Tuesday 1:34pm

Neymar: Hey my love I just got out of practice and was thinking of meeting up with you. You down?

Me: Can't! Gotta clean up around the place, but next time ((;

Neymar: Oh okay baby I'll make it extra fun next time thenn (; <3

Me: Haha sure (;

Wednesday (Today) at 9:47pm

Neymar: Babe

Neymar: Babyyyy ))):

Neymar: You should be replying by nowww.. );

Neymar: You looked gorgeous this morning <3

Neymar: Why can't you be mine

Neymar: Oh wait. It's because Sergio would beat my ass to a pulp

Neymar: Idc Id do anything for u ):

Neymar: Answer when u see this pls<3

Sergio put the phone down and his face went all sad. His lip quivered as if he was about to cry, but his eyes denied that thought. I really feel stupid because I don't remember those texts. I'm already fucking up our relationship and it's only been a couple hours since he officially was mine. And this looks so bad on my part because it looks like I lied, when I didn't. I just forgot, but Jesus.. I'm such a dumbass and a horrible person to be that way.

"What is this.." He clears his throat. "You clearly flirted back by saying you and I were only 'best friends'. Thanks, Marina. I appreciate it. " He says sarcastically. He clenches his fist and hits the horn, making a loud honk.

"Sergio. Yes, I know this looks like something else but him and I really have nothing going on.. I don't get why you'd thi-" I stop because Sergio punches the steering wheel once again, leading to another loud honk.

"Why I would think that?! Well here's a thought: He was in OUR fucking house this morning to "drop off your keys". What a shitty excuse.. Hell, what did you guys do up there?! And let's not forget when you guys wouldn't keep your hands off each other at Camp Nou! Now these stupid ass texts.. You claim that I changed and became a different person, but Marina.. do you see yourself?!" He finishes, and he places his dirty blonde headed hair on the steering wheel. I stay speechless at his assumptions.

How long has he been thinking this? And why has he never told me straight forward? Neymar and I are nothing but friends.. Does Neymar think that too? Sergio rises his head and lays back on the seat. He places his hands onto his face and says muffled, "I love you so much, Marina.. I really do.. I just....,"

He slides his hands off and tilts his head to face me, who had the saddest face you could think of.

"Let me finish your sentence, Sergio. You just don't trust me, is that what? Honestly, Neymar may have feelings for me but does it look like I feel the same? I don't. Because the only person on my mind, is you. And I don't understand why that doesn't process through YOUR thick skull. Because I only fucking love you, and you're too stubborn to think that. You believe what you please and don't even let me say a damn word. So Sergio, tell me how I have changed when I'm still the same me you supposedly fell in love with in high school?" I'm out of breath, and I see Sergio's expression change from angered to shocked.

His left hand still has my phone, and I quickly snatch it. His eyes weren't sparkling anymore, they were dull with sadness as he sees the phone go into my hands. He brings his hand up to his hair and runs his fingers through it. He know how much I love that, but it wasn't going to slide. I put my head down, causing my hair to cover my whole face. Thank God, so he didn't see me bite my lip. His warm hand reaches to my brown hair and puts it behind my ear. I sigh and say, " Don't assume. That's what fucks up relationships, you know?" I sadly smile at him, flashing him my teeth, his weakness.

His mouth opens, but nothing leaves it. I was so mad that I had no idea what to do and all I wanted to do was walk around.
Opening the door, I quickly walk away from the car. I left him speechless as the door slams closes, and he watches me leave. My mind was pounding with ideas on what Sergio could be thinking to that. I sit down on a curb and the car stays in place. I didn't want to speak to him right now, or maybe ever. Who knows?

Sergio's POV


I fucked up so so bad. What don't I fuck up? I don't know if I should go after her, or let her come to me. Right now, she doesn't seem so happy. Well of course she isn't, I basically just accused her of cheating on me. I have to be the shittest man to walk to this planet to treat (the only one I honestly care for) her like that.
Okay, I'm an ass. I need to apologize whether or not she cares.

I run my fingers along the rim of the door before opening it. My eyes fall onto Marina, sitting on a curb with her head in her knees. Her shoulders were mainly moving, and so was her whole body, in a shaking motion. Then it hit me. She was crying. And I caused that.

My whole body bolts out of the car and sprints as fast as I could to her (Got there in 3 seconds, thanks to being a football player).

My arms wanted to reach and just wrap themselves around her, but my body didn't move. I stood over her and she slowly realizes me. Her head tilts up, revealing at least one of my assumptions were right: she was crying. Her puffy eyes, quivering lip, and the pink cheeks gave it easily away. She pulls her shirt up to her face to hide it from me, but it was no use.

I squat down in front of her, and she pur her head back down, and her gorgeous brown hair falls back down. I bring one hand to pick up her chin, and her beautiful eyes widen. I bring my hand to her cheek to wipe a tear, them her hand pulls mine down. "Don't bother.." She murmurs.

"But you're the only one I want to bother. You're the one I want to see smile and laugh. Sure I want world peace, but if you're at peace with me, then nothing else matters." My body finally agreed with my arms as they wrapped around her. Then I felt home.

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