chapter twenty-seven

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- this whole chapter will be in Sergio's POV.

I missed her, more than anything. I craved her like my body needed air. There will come a time in your life when you become absolutely infatuated with a single soul. You'd do anything for them and not think twice about it, but when asked why, you'd have no answer. You'll try your whole life to understand how a single person can affect you as much as they do, and you'll never find out. And no matter how badly it hurts or how badly you hate it, you'll love this person for the rest of your life with no regret. Now, I have no other option but to forget about Marina, as she's suddenly developed feelings for Marc. In other words, I needed to move on. That was the sad truth. She seemed clearly happy with Marc and I had no intention of ruining that. If I couldn't be the one to make her happy, then I can slowly accept it. I pull my hands up to my cheeks, cupping them to hide the redness of embarrassment: losing the one I loved to someone so immature...
I haven't heard from Marina ever since she suddenly left for Barcelona. All I can hope is nothing but happiness for my once lover, yet forever best friend. Also, since La Liga's season is slowly coming to an end, we surely are falling behind Barca with a point. There's no hope in waiting to be crowned La Liga champions for 14/15.. Everything breaks my heart even more.
"Pãpi!" Sergio Jr. yelled from below me as I burst out of bed to the downstairs. I sighed, as reality came back to me along with my duties as a father. It seemed as if Pilar had this image of a perfect family; Me, Pilar and Sergio Junior. It had been nearly 2 weeks, and I was beginning to get comfortable with her idea. Pilar had changed so much from before, she was more cheerful, and this time, loyal. She wasn't obsessional about everything and was relaxed most for the time. Pilar had a smile no matter what, even if we had a silly argument, she wouldn't get mad and throw a fit; She'd be calm and we'd both listen to each other's sides of the story. This is the Pilar I had fallen for before, and how she changed came to a shock to me.

I stomped down the stairs, making my presence known to the kitchen doorway, Pilar is seated at the marble countered bar. Sergio Jr. was coloring in his book on the kitchen table. Variety of crayons were scattered all over the wooden table, a grinning Spanish boy's eyesight suddenly spotted me. His eyes glowed with happiness whenever it came to me. My heart was full of joy as well. He hopped up out of his chair, running to hug me. The little boy was dressed in a white shirt that read, "2010 World Cup Champions: Spain" along with his red checkered boxers, as this kid never liked to wear actual pants. His small arms wrapped around my muscular legs, his warm body laid against them. I looked over to Pilar, softly patting Sergio's back. She was quiet, her head laid low over a piece of paper. I was very confused, as the Spanish woman's head laid sadly.
I waddle over to Pilar, as carefully as possible, as Sergio is still clinging to my legs. Her body language told me she was down about something really important, and I was scared to find out what.
I rubbed her soft shoulders, and leaned into her ear softly.
Whispering, I asked, "Pi, what's wrong?"
Pilar looked up into my eyes. Her face was swollen and red, obviously because she had been crying. Her cheeks had dried up tears and smeared black eye makeup.
She took a long deep breath, and looked down. She turned her whole body around, still not making any sort of eye contact with me. My body became cold, terrified with what she had to tell me. Her warm hands came to mine, and held them tightly, as she was shaking. Her hair fell over her face, as she continued to look down.
Trembling, she finally said what she had to say.

"I have to go to the States for a while."

My heart dropped to my stomach.

xx, tvrres
it's been forever. please forgive me.

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