chapter seventeen

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The phone revealed an old photo of Pilar and I, leaving an old game of mine, and we happened to be holding hands (see picture). I had no idea whether Marina was going to let me explain, or just curse me out as usual. Either way, I was nervous. I probably should've told her about my old relationship with Pilar. We broke up a long time ago, before Marina and I began talking again. She hasn't bothered to contact me ever since she left me for a Chelsea player named Oscar.

Personally, I hope their happy together, since she led me back to Marina.

I start chuckling and watch Marina's eyebrows furr.

"Why are you laughing...? This is you with another girl. And I don't think this is funny, actually." She frowns. Her phone-holding arm rests along her side, then her right arm pushes her hair behind her ears. (Swoon alert).

She stays still as a statue, yet her feet were clicking together. Her eyes went cold and rested on me, and her lips quivered.

The team's attention was all on us, like we were a movie ready to hit the climax. Iker was holding his mouth with his white goalie glove, trying to hold back his gasps of shock.

I start walking towards Marina, and she takes a step back onto the mid line. I put my hand up to cover my mouth and say, "Mari, can we uh, talk somewhere else?" I whisper to her, and she nods, causing her hair to flow beautifully down her shoulders.

"Well great." I grab her hand, causing her cheeks to fade into a sea of pink. She slowly walks as I do, leading her back to the sliver stands.

The whole team, including Iker, stare at us blankly, wondering what the hell just happened. But then coach Carlo saved my ass as he yelled at them to start working. I don't know why he didn't yell at me though. Guess Marina isn't the only one I've impressed, even if she kind of hates my guts right now.

She tries to wiggle her fingers out of my hand, and she does a good job at it. She slithers out of my grasp and starts skipping up the stairs of the stands, like a bunny. (Another swoon alert) Her butt meets the cold, silver benches of the stands. Taking a seat, she looks up to me with her chocolate eyes.

"It's not what you thin-"

"How every basic guy says it." Marina mutters, interrupting me. Her eyes lost interest in me, and found the sliver floor of the stands.

"As I was saying, what you thought was wrong. Marina, that picture was taken over a year ago, before we even reconnected." I sigh, and my gaze drifts to her, only to see her staring at her lime green hypervenoms, picking at the black laces with her index finger.

"Well," She coughed, putting her head down, allowing her hair too overflow her face, "I really don't know what to believe, Sergio. How could you have kept this from me? Have you been talking to her all this time?" Her head continues to lay in her lap, causing her to sound muffled.

"I haven't kept it from you, it just didn't seem important, but now I know it is. And no, ever since she told me she cheated on me, I removed everything of her from my life. Who gave you that picture anyways?" I sit next to Marina on the silver stands, looking back only to see my teammates not paying attention to us. Good.

Marina stayed silent for a moment, then finally answered me. The answer that she gave me, was not much of a shocker, but at the time it was.

Marina's POV

My heart and head and whole body ached of disbelief. This whole thing began when a phone call with an area code from Valencia.

This morning ~

I pick up my steaming hot cup of coffee, and as soon as my lips touch the tip of the maroon cup, my phone goes off. Startled, I burn my top lip, and in an instant, I grab my phone and answer the Valencia area code.

"Hello, is this a Mariana?" A female voice spoke through the phone. She sounded serious.

"Marina, but yes this is she! Who are you?" I beamed with curiosity. My thoughts were jumping place to place. I barely get any random calls, so I was kind of excited.

"That doesn't matter, dear! Just check your email. You'll have an idea on who I am." She chuckled, then immediately hung up.

Not only were my thoughts now racing, they were jumping to conclusions. My fingers twiddled to the Mail icon and tapped on it. As my emails loaded, all I thought was, who leaked my credit card number?

Because without it, I'd be dead.

The emails loaded to 3 new emails. Two were spam, then there was a new contact, from I assumed it was the girl from the call, so I opened it.


From: / Contact name: Pilar Rubio

Re: (see picture) attachment.jpg

Hope you don't mind this gorgeous man (that used to once be in my posession) holding my hand, sweetie. I wouldn't get too close if I were you.

After I read those words, I broke.

Who was Pilar Rubio? And why is threatening me? But first, why didn't Sergio ever tell me?

He asked me,

"Who gave you that picture anyways?" My throat ached to tell him the answer.

xx, tvrres

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