chapter sixteen

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"OF COURSE, MARINA!" Iker gleamed with joy as I asked him to stay at his place.

He started rambling about how much fun Sara (wife), Martin (son), him and I will have. "Thank you, Iker. I'll be there as soon as 3. That sound alright?" I said, picking at my nails. After last night, Iker came straight to where Sergio left me. Iker probably sensed that I didn't want to talk about why I needed a ride.

I apperciated it a lot, even if he didn't notice anything. So, he dropped me off at Sergio and I's house, then I just packed a bag for a week-stay. I even packed my hypervenoms and my soccer sweats, since I promised Sergio I would go to his practices. And today was actually one of his practice days.

"That's fine! Be ready because as soon as you come, I'm leaving to Santiago Bernabéu for practice. Okay? Then you can explain to me and Bartra all about why you needed me last night. Talk to you later, Marina!" Then he hung up.

I wasn't exactly mentally prepared to see Sergio, but I just now promised Iker. The white phone goes straight to the messages. My fingers twiddle at the old texts between Sergio and I. It saddens me, but I swipe the message to reveal the red "Delete conversation" button. My index finger messes with the red button, swiping it back and forth, then I finally tap it. Deleting all conversations with Sergio. Then suddenly, Neymar texts me.

Check your twitter.. a lot of people know wht happnd with u & Sergio...including me. :/

My eyes widen to the message and my fingers navigate to Twitter, completely forgetting to answer Neymar.

@TeenMagazine: Sergio Ramos and love interest, Marina Solocar, (booker for La Liga) in a fight after romantic date! Our crew got pics of Marina on a curb and crying her eyes out, as Sergio runs back to his car and zooms off! What could have caused this? Maybe the pictures of her and Neymar flirting at Camp Nou? Guess we'll wait! Poor Sergio, being cheated on after bad break up with Pilar Rubio! But there weas a picture of the two love birds kissing after this sad scene. Make up or broken up? What do you think, @SergioRamos and @Marina_Soso? Tweet us back anytime.

Not only does my head hurt, but I feel like my heart physically hurts too. What if Neymar tries to console me and tries to win me? I'm not that stupid, but Neymar is a guy. And I basically dig guys. But Sergio knows that I wouldn't do that to him. Oh wait. Sergio doesn' t trust me. Whoops.

Sergio's POV

Before me were wrappers of double cheese burgers, many tissues, Ibeuprofen, and romance movies (Especially Titanic and The Notebook. Had those on repeat all night.). My eyes squinted at my clock which read 11:03am. Practice was at 12. I slip out of my lavender bedsheets, and walk to the tanned closet. I quickly grab my soccer sweats, my white Real Madrid zip up, and then my neon yellow hypervenoms (cleats). As soon as I slip them onto my muscular toned body, I zip out of the house.


My hypervenoms reach the fake grass of Santiago Bernabéu, and my eyes rest on the whole team. Iker was there too, and since he took Marina home last night, I have a feeling she's here. I don't want to remember of what happened, so I simply don't look for her. It hurt like hell, last night. Marina.

The thought of her.

Her gorgeous slim figure.

Her love handles.

Her long brown hair.

Her chocolate eyes, that she hates when I call them the color of poop.

Her soft baby lips that whenever I bite, she giggles like a mad man.

Her chubby cheeks that I adore to pinch.

The dimples on her back.

Her little heart tattoo she has on her ankle (that she swears was drunk when she got it).

Her sweet little voice whenever she gets excited.

Her voice in general is so cute. She's so cute.

The way she says Sergito when I'm mad.

How she doesn't like wearing her hair up because she thinks she looks like a guy, even when I tell her she doesn't. Just her.

She's so perfect and I hate it. I'm so in love with her, that I can't bare to think the thought without her, but hey, at least I see her today. Maybe even talk.

"Because I only fucking love you" Her words echoed in my head.

"Sergio! Hey! How you doin', man?" Iker exclaims, putting his white goalie gloves on. He usually kisses my cheek, and this time he plastered his lips very hard against my cheek. I don't find it weird at all, since it's out of kindness. (see picture) He sits on the sliver bench behind me as I set my black Adidas bag down.

"Hi, Iker. I'm pretty damn... I don't know. Let's say, tired. You?" I slump down besides him on the bench, and his gaze moves over to me.

"Since I was woken up pretty early to pick up a friend, I am too." He says, then his gaze moves to the stands, and I just happen see a short brunette there. My hands tingle, sweat starts forming on the back of my neck, and I begin to tense up.

"Did Mari-Mar.." I stop. I can't even say her name without wanting to punch a wall.

"Yes, she came, Sergio." Iker points to where his eyes are, and my eyes followed. Marina was there, wearing her black sweats, a Nike shirt that read "Soccer has no limits" and guess what? Her neon green hypervenoms. The ones I bought her.

"Oh, that's fabulous." I get up, and begin to dribble with the ball. Marina starts marching down the stands, pretty upset about something (I can read her face from 200 miles away). She continues to march, and meets the field. She keeps coming in the direction of the team, and then to my surprise, she came to me. Her gorgeous face came straight to face mine, realizing she has puffy and under eye circles. Her brown eyes give me a cold stare, then her phone comes up to my face. The phone reveals a photo, and not a good one.

"Sergio, what is this?"

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