Meeting them

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You woke up to the annoying sound of your alarm clock. "Another day in the of a girl living a weird life." You muttered to yourself. You stumbled out of bed and put on your (f/c) tank top with some (f/c) pajama shorts. You made a simple breakfast that consisted of a slice of toast, some berries, and oatmeal.

While I ate my breakfast, I heard my coil ring. I picked it up to see a good morning message from my close friend, Aoba. The weird thing about him is that he treats me like his younger sister. I replied with my own message and finished my meal. I got up and walked to my bedroom to get dressed. I brushed out my hair and put on a gray sweater, some leggings. I threw on my black hat and walked to the door and put my shoes on and grabbed an oversized blue jacket off of the hook. I put some money in my pocket and started off my day. I bumped into Koujaku. "Hey there, (y/n). How are you?" "Well, I'm starting off the day really good." "Anything new?" "Same old, same old. Druggies getting high, pervs catcalling girls." "At least none of those people are you, (y/n)!" We both laughed and continued our routines. When I was walking to where ever the hell I was going, I heard a guy groan in pain. "Rgh! Oh, you little shit!" "How about you go be a scum somewhere else?" I walked around the corner and I saw a bald, muscular man on the ground and two blonde men standing over him. The shorter guy was wearing a black suit and a pair of glasses while the taller guy was wearing a plaid vest with a white flannel and some matching pants. "Oh well, he'll be fine about two hours." I assumed that they heard my footsteps because they turned to look at me. I panicked. "Oh! was just gonna go..!" The guy with glasses ran up to me. "No need to leave! I want to get to know you! What is your name?" "What? My name?'s (y/n)." I stuttered. "Ahh! What a nice name! My name is Virus! This is Trip, he is my acquaintance." He said. Trip walked over to me and eyed me from head to toe. "Hi there, (y/n)-san. What is a young woman like you doing out here alone?" "I was just going on a walk." "We were just finishing up our rounds. Wanna hang out some time?" I felt my heart skip a beat when he told me this. They seemed pretty polite, so I agreed.
"So when are you guys free?" I asked. "Does Tuesday work for you?" Virus asked me. "Yeah, what time do you wanna meet?" "Does four sound good?" They asked me. "Yeah, where should we go?" Trip put his arms behind his head and said, "Well, I know a good cafe not to far from here." Virus and I looked at each other and nodded our heads at the Idea. "So were all meeting at this spot at four?" We all agreed and went on to our separate ways. Oh my god! I was going on a date with two hot guys!

Vitri x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now