My tiny boy (fluff)

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I fell asleep while doing work. Fuck it, I was almost done anyway. I woke up to something nudging my cheek. "Hey. Hey! Wake up! You fell asleep while doing your work." "Huh? Trip? Why are you the same size as my thumb?" "I dunno. I fell asleep while eating." "You are so...cute!" I carried him in my hand. My work could wait. I needed to focus on this little cutie. I put him on my bed. "Stay put while I get ready. Sleep if you wanna." "I already slept." "Then, just stay there and be cute." I took a shower, brushed my teeth, and got dressed. When I came back into my room, I didn't see Trip in the spot where I left him. "Trip? Where are you!" "I'm here!" I heard him say. As I scanned the room I found him sitting on the floor by my bed. I ran over to him and scooped him up in my hands. "Trip! I told you to stay in that spot." "Oops. I just climbed off." I just patted his head with my finger. "Oh, you're so lucky that you're so small. I would have slapped you if you were your normal size." I put him on my head. "Are you hungry?" I asked him. "Yeah..." "Hold on tight so you don't fall."

I sat down at the table and saw Virus, looking confused. "Where's Trip?" "I have him with me now." I said. "I don't see him." I lowered my head so that he could see Trip clinging to my hair. "Trip?!" "Hi..." "Oh my're so adorable!" He held him in his left hand and started poking one of his cheeks. "Virus...please stop..." "I can't stop!" Trip pulled Virus' finger away. "Looks like someone's mad. Touch his head! It calms him right down!" He started touch Trip's head with his finger. "You're right! It does calm him down." I cut of a piece of my breakfast and held it out to Trip. "Hey, tiny boy! Still hungry?" He held it in his hands and took a bite. That little piece was still too big for his mouth. Something that hadn't noticed was how cute his hands were. "Awww! Virus, look at his little hands!" "Holy fucking damn, I didn't even notice that! My only concern is how is he gonna use the bathroom." "Oh my god! We need to show Aoba!" "Good idea! He's gonna love it!" "Who's gonna love what?" Trip sat down in Virus' palm. "We're gonna show you to someone!" He said while wiping crumbs off Trip's cheeks. "I'll text him that we'll come by to his shop to surprise him!"

Virus and I entered the shop with smiles on our faces. "Hey (Y/N), hey Virus. You wanted to show me something right?" "Yup!" I said. "Oh, cool! Where is it?" "You mean, where is he." Virus said. I lowered head and Trip hopped onto Aoba's desk. "Oh my god...he is so...!" "Don't even say i—" "Cute!" "That's third time someone called me cute." "Aww! Look at your little hands!" He picked up Trip. "Geez, can't I stand on my own?" "Heh, I was wondering where you were, Trip! You and Virus are inseparable! Haha! But my question is how did you get this small?" "That's the thing. I don't know. None of us know."

I needed to give Trip a bath. I wanted Virus to do it but he was busy. I wasn't even mad. I settled with some with some warm water in a bowl. I measured the water with my thumb. Looked good to me. "Trip. It's ready for you." "Okay..." He walked over to me with his hands covering his penis. "This is embarrassing...I can bathe myself!" "Yeeeaah no, you can't." I put him in the bowl and washed his hair gently so that it wouldn't get into his eyes. "Hey, (Y/N)-san?" He asked. "Yes?" "Does it feel weird when someone of the opposite sex bathes you?" "Well, I took baths with my dad until I was about 10 or 11." "I shouldn't even be complaining about this. Ya know how I bathed as a kid?" "How?" I asked. "The people just sprayed me down with cold water from a hose. I got sick a lot." "Yikes." I move my hand lower to clean his genitalia. "Do you mind if I do that part by myself?" "Oh, not at all." I kinda wanted to see how cute he was. So I opened my eye just a little bit. I feel like such a pervert. I dried him off with a paper towel and took him to my bedroom. We didn't have any tiny clothes so I had to put him back in his casual clothes. I carried him to my bedroom. "Where am I going to sleep?" "I don't know. If you sleep in my bed, I might crush you...I know!" I took a pillow from my bed and put it on my desk. I lay him down on the pillow and covered him up with one of my shirts.
"So, how was your day?" "Weird. Everyone looked like a giant." "I'm surprised that Welter nor Hersha tried to eat you." "They didn't even care." He chuckled before drifting off. "Goodnight, (Y/N)." "Goodnight, you cute little fucker." I said while kissing his head.

This is actually one of the cutest original ideas that I've ever had! Imagine waking up to a tiny Trip in your room.

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