Snatched (rape/lemon)

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I'm a 19 year old girl. I live alone because my parents went over seas for vacation. They did it because they thought I was responsible enough to look after myself. I can't blame them because I DO know how to walk to and from school by myself, I can get my uniform ready, and I can cook meals. But my only concern is that they're gone for way to long and I have to pay the bills.

I was walking home from school and I had a lot of homework work to do, so I was in a bad mood and in a rush to get home. My route to get too and from school involves a bad part of town where all the weirdos hang out. As I was walking by, I heard someone call out to me. "Hey there! What are you in such a rush for, honey?" I was in no mood to be bothered. I turned my head around to get a look and I saw two men with blonde hair gesturing for me to come over to them. "Ugh, drop dead!" I scoffed at them. As I walked away, I could hear them whispering to each other. I heard footsteps behind me and I fell unconscious.

When I woke up, I was in a bedroom. This was definitely not my room. I also noticed that I was fully naked. I looked to my left and I saw one of the men who had gestured to me. He had glasses and spiky blonde hair. He was wearing a suit before but he was wearing a white dress shirt now. I looked to my right and saw another man who looked very similar to the other one. "W-who the hell are you guys?!" The guy with glasses stood up. "How rude of me! Please forgive me," He said. "My name is Virus. And he's Trip." Trip got up and grabbed my chin. "Wow, I've never seen a girl as beautiful as you." "Please... I'm scared... I wanna go home..." Virus looked disappointed. "Awww, if we let you go now, we wouldn't be able to have any fun with you!" He began to lightly touch my boob. "Stop it, you pervert!" "What do you mean? I'm just having fun with you~!" I saw him slide two fingers inside of me. "Ahh, don't do that..ahh..." "Oh, don't worry sweet heart. He's just getting started." Trip whispered in my ear. I then felt something slither up my leg. It was a feeling that I could only describe as scales—and they were. Wrapped around my right leg was a long black snake with blue eyes. "Heh, looks like Hersha wanted to have some fun." Trip chuckled. "Hmm, do you think he does?" Virus tilted his head. The snake got in between my legs and started licking my clit while shoving its tail in my pussy. "Ah! Get...that snake away from me!" I really want to slap Virus but Trip held my hands down. I closed my eyes as the snake continued to lick me. Then, I heard the sound of someone unbuckling their belt. I had a pretty good idea of what was going to happen next. I felt something slide inside of me that wasn't covered in scales. "Ahh! Virus! Take that thing out!" "You heard what he said! I'm just getting started!" He began to slowly thrust himself inside me. " fucking—aah!" I felt something hard tap my cheek. I turned my head and was greeted by a penis leaking precum. "Suck it. Don't be shy." Trip put his dick closer to my face. I gave in and put my mouth on the head of his penis. My moans vibrated his dick as Virus was fucking me even faster. "Oh, fucking hell! Her mouth feels so good!" "So is her pussy!" I could feel myself coming closer and closer to my orgasm. I don't want the losers to think that I was enjoying their stupid little game! But I was losing. "I'm gonna cum!" Trip removed his dick from my mouth and came on my cheek as Virus came on my stomach. "Wow, that was amazing. How long do you think we should keep her, Trip?" "I don't know, maybe like, half a decade?" Great. What are my parents going to do when they get back their vacation?

Author's note:
Hi guys! I'm so glad that you're enjoying my stories! I'm so sorry that I haven't been working on this book as much as I used to. It's just that I don't really have any ideas. If you have any ideas for me, you can just tell me those in the comment section. Bye! I love you guys! Have a great day!

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