Stuck all together (lemon)

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I was getting ready to move a new house in my area. I had a lot of packing to do, so I had two of my guy friends help me out. Their names are Virus and Trip. They were pretty bitchy at times but still, they were cool. I was getting somethings from a hallway closet. "Hey guys, can you help me with something?" They both came from different directions. "What do you need, (Y/N)-san?" "I need you two get some stuff from the top shelves." They both agreed cause I was much too short to reach them as I got some stuff from the lower part. As Trip was coming in, I heard the the door shut behind him. "Uhh, what the hell happened?" "I accidentally brushed the handle with the box, the bad part is that door locks from the outside." "It's okay! Do any of you have the keys?" "Tch. I'm pretty sure that Trip left them out there." "I am sorry, (Y/N)." "I'm pretty sure that Aoba might come over and help!" Virus sighed. "At least ONE good thing might happen." After four long hours of being locked in the dark closet, I shifted my hand over but it hit something big, hard, and wet. I moved my hand up and down until I heard a soft moan. I looked down and gasped. The hard thing I had been stroking was Trip's COCK. He was literally masturbating in the closet with us! "Trip? What the hell are you doing?!" He quickly tucked himself back into his underwear and pants. "I'm sorry! It just happens when I think of you! Being in here with you, I couldn't help myself!" When I heard this I was so flattered that I began blushing so hard that my entire face turned red! "You mean that you like me?" "We like you, (Y/N)-san." Virus chimed in. "Only more than a friend." He grabbed my chin and kissed me as he ran his hands up my shirt while Trip removed my shorts and panties. Virus pulled away and started kissing my chest while leaving small hickies on it. I moaned as I felt Trip's dick slowly go inside me. Virus undid his belt and wrapped my legs around his waist as he slid himself inside of me. "(Y/N)-san, how does it feel?" "Ahh, it feels good." They thrusted at a bit of a faster paste, which felt even better. I quietly whimpered as Trip left dark hickies on my neck. "Ahh! Guys! Oh, fuck! I'm close!" "Ah, we are too, (Y/N)-sama—Ngh! Mh!" He cut himself off as he ejaculated in the deepest part of my pussy. "I need a handkerchief." Virus said as he reached in his pocket. "Oh, so that's where they were!" Turns out the keys were in Virus' fucking pocket and he forgot. I snatched them out of his hand as slid my hand through through the shutters and unlocked the door. We sat in the closet for four hours for no reason, but hey! I just lost my virginity to two hot blondes!

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