Genderbent "twins"

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I was pretty angry with Virus and Trip, they've been annoying me for the past week. So to calm my self down, I decided to just hang out with my good friend, Aoba. We were sitting on a bench and I was thinking about a good way to get back at Virus and Trip. Aoba noticed I was not smiling like I usually do. "(Y/N), are you alright? You don't seem very happy." I shook my head. "I'm fine, I'm fine. It's just that Virus and Trip have been pretty annoying for the past week and I wanna think about a good way to get back at them. You know, in a way that can't hurt them physically." He tapped his chin in deep thought. His face suddenly lit up. "I've got something at the junk shop that you can use on them!" "I like the way you think, dude! I'll pick it up tomorrow!" We nodded our heads in agreement. Ren poked his head out from Aoba's bag. "I don't know if this good idea, maybe you shouldn't do it!" Aoba chuckled and caressed the fur on Ren's head. "Oh, don't worry Ren! It'll be fine!" I walked him back to his house while telling stories and stupid jokes. When we got to his house, as soon as he opened the door, Tae (his grandma) began screaming at him because, yet again he forgot to lock the damn door. "Sorry granny, I'll do it next time." "That's the same damn thing you said the last time!" Aoba looked me. "Well, see you tomorrow, (Y/N)!" "Bye Aoba." I walked the rest the way home with a suspicious smile on my face. When
I got back, Virus and Trip opened the door, like they could tell I was back. Trip leaned on me and kissed my forehead. "Welcome back, cutie!" He pinched my cheek a bit. "Hardy-har-har." I attempted to walk down the hall, but Virus blocked my path. "You're not going anywhere!" "Watch me go somewhere. Quit teasing me!" As soon as I moved to the left, Trip tackled me from behind and pinned me to the ground. "Gotcha!" I sighed. "You guys play too much. Now let me go!" "Nope!" They always joke around like this. "You two dicks are gonna get what you deserve." Finally, he got off of me and I walked to bedroom to get ready for bed. Tomorrow was going to be a fun day!
-Time skip to morning-
I was super excited to pick up that thing that Aoba planned to sell me. I put on some (F/C) stockings and a pleated skirt. I searched my dresser for a shirt and I threw on my (F/C) shirt. I walked to the door, hoping those two goofballs weren't there. The heavens were listening to my prayers and they weren't there. They were finishing up some work. I quietly slipped on my shoes and coat and walked back to my room to get some money. I walked the shop he worked at and I saw the same damn things I saw every other day. Thugs, doing drugs, stealing, whistling at women, etc., they're disgusting. I finally reached the junk shop. "Good morning, (Y/N)! You're just in time!" "Morning Aoba! So you got that thing?" "I've been holding on to it for you!" He slid a bag of small balls to me. "Thanks! How much would these be?" "That'll be 200¥!" I dug 200¥ out of my pockets and put it on a small plate on his desk. "Thanks! have a good rest of your day!" "You too!" I walked out the shop with a small grin on my face and headed home. I was fidgeting with it in my pockets when I noticed that there was something on the back, so I stopped to read it. It had read, 'Directions: drop in front of one or two people. Side effects include; Dizziness, delusions, or, opposite gender.' I had a good feeling about this. It was such a long-ass walk, that since I left in the morning, it was pretty much the afternoon when I got back. Again they opened the door like they were psychic or something. Virus noticed that I was trying to hold back laughter. "What's so funny?" I walked away at a fair distance as I pulled one of the balls out of the bag. "Hey guys, think fast!" As soon as I dropped the ball in front of them and a large cloud of red gas filled the air. When the cloud disappeared, I thought I was looking two different people then I realized the patterns on their clothes. My dummies.
I've got to admit, they looked pretty sexy as girls! And they had HUGE breasts and wider hips. Trip looked more happy than angry and Virus was furious. "What the hell, (Y/N)?!" "What? You two have been annoying me for the past week!" "Well, I guess you can say that." "Hey! On the bright side, two look really sexy as women!" Trip's whole face lit right up. "You really think I look sexy as a woman?" "Well, yeah!" (I don't know what pronoun to use) Trip just hugged me from behind, those breasts pressing against my back.  "Eh? (Y/N)? You're as still as a statue." "Your boobs are pressing against me..." "Oh! Sorry!"  She immediately got off me. Suddenly, a little joke appeared in my head. "What if you two do things to each other and I watch?" Virus began blushing. "Huh? I would never do something so shameless!" "I'm only kidding!" "Good! My heart just stopped." I looked over at Trip who was giggling at the little joke. Suddenly a
REAL idea slid into my brain. "Hey Guys, How about you two wear some of my clothes and we take a little stroll? How does that sound?" Trip looked really concerned. "Um, (Y/N)? You know if this is a good idea?" Virus slid into the conversation. "Yeah, How do you know if they fit us?" "You can wear some of my old clothes! I think they would look cute on you!" Virus looked down and sighed. "You are so lucky that we finished all of our documents." A smile stretched across my face. "Good! I'll be back in a bit!" I ran to my room and fished out a denim jacket, a navy and white striped shirt, some denim capris, and some low top sneakers. I took a good the at the outfit and grinned. "This would look great on Trip!" I walked out of my room and threw the outfit at Trip. "Try that on!" I ran back to my room and got a white shirt, a pair of another pair of denim capris, and a pair of high top sneakers. I walked out of my room and and threw the clothes at Virus. "Try those on!" I walked down the hall to Trip's room and knocked on the door. "Hey, Trip! You done yet?" "Yeah." Trip walked out, the clothes fit and looked really good! "Hey! They actually fit you really well!" "They do?" She started blushing a small bit. "Of course of course they do! I'm gonna go check on Virus." I walked to down to Virus' room and knocked on the door. "Virus? You ready yet?" Virus opened the door. "These clothes are actually really comfortable!" "And they look good You too!" "Oh, thank you! Is Trip ready?" I nodded my head. I started walking to Trip's room but Virus interrupted me with a question. "(Y/N)-san? How long does this last." "Well, bag it said about two days." I walked closer to Trip's room. "Trip! We're leaving!" Virus and I waited at the door for Trip. She came so we were able to leave. We left the complex but I slowed down a bit letting them get in front of me. They stopped and turned around.  "You stopped. Something wrong?" "I'll let you two lead the they way." They didn't say anything and continued walking. I actually just really wanted looked at their asses. Damn those looked do fine. We ended up going to that same park where I hatched my little plan with Aoba. It was the evening so the sun was setting, which looked really beautiful. We all sat at a picnic table. Virus and Trip sat across from me and we watched the sunset. We were just having short conversations. But some random guy came over to us and for some reason. "Hey ladies! You single?" We ignored him. But I felt a hand go up my skirt. I freaked out and yelled, "Hey! What do you think you're doing?" The guy looked dumbfounded. "What? You don't like that?" Clearly Virus and Trip noticed this and stepped in. "What are you doing to her?!" Trip walked up to guy and punched him in the face, knocking him out." We walked to a different spot of the park and we all started a conversation. Trip looked into my eyes. "(Y/N)-san, how do you live with breasts? They're so tender!" I looked down and saw that Trip was about a D-cup breast size. I quickly looked up and grinned. "Trip, How do you know that they're tender?" She started blushing and looking down. "Umm.. I, uhhh...grabbed them." I chuckled at this. She's so cute when she's embarrassed. "(Y/N)-san?" I looked back up at Trip and stared into her large blue eyes. Virus slid next to her and asked, "Would it be weird if we kissed you right now?" I blushed and smiled. "As long as it's you guys, I wouldn't mind." Virus leaned in and kissed me on my lips. She leaned away and Trip laid a kiss on me. These were my dorks. I'll always love them. No matter what gender they are, I'll always love the feeling of their soft lips against mine.

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