Meeting them Part 2 (with a squeeze of lemon)

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You were super nervous about this date. It was today and you still couldn't figure out what to wear. You decided to just wear what you thought was best. You threw on a blue sweater that was given to you by your mom. Followed by a black skirt with cute little designs towards the bottom. You combed out your hair and walked to the door and put your shoes on. You left the house, seeing the same stuff that you saw every other day. The heads of the guys all turned to look at you. This made you feel VERY uncomfortable. You walked passed the guys while trying to avoid eye contact. As you walked past one guy whistled as you walked by. "Perv..." You muttered. As you got close to an ally, you felt a cold tension on the back of your thighs. You were confused at first until you felt a hand grab your hip. Someone was lifting up your skirt! "I've never seen a woman as beautiful as you in my life." "S-Stop, you pervert!" You screamed. "Rgh!" The man fell to the ground and your skirt went back down. "He'll be out for the next five hours." You were so relieved to hear Trip's voice. "Thanks Trip!" You smiled at him. "Shall we go?" Virus said checking the time. "We should. We don't want (y/n)-san to meet anymore perverts." Trip said while putting an arm around your shoulder. You started your not-so-long walk that Trip mentioned two days earlier. It was about five minutes until you got there. Trip gotten two slices of strawberry cake while you and Virus just ordered lattes. "(Y/N), say ahh." Trip said while holding a fork with some cake on it up to your mouth. "Ahh." He pushed the fork in your mouth. It was super sweet. "Mmm." You licked your lips at the taste. "Do you like it? That's why I eat this stuff every day!" Your eyes widened at this. How did he not have diabetes by now? Oh well! "Trip, you need to stop eating all these sweets. You're gonna give yourself a heart attack." Virus said while adjusting his glasses. "Don't tell me what to do." Trip said while rolling his eyes at him. You giggled at they're little relationship. "You guys are kinda cute when you're arguing with each other!" Virus chuckled at your comment. "Trip is six years younger than me. That's why he's so idiotic." Trip inhaled deeply through his nose. "I am not an idiot." "Yes, you are." Virus said, teasing him. Trip just exhaled and smiled. "Haha, you're so lucky that I would never hurt you." This made you say "Hmmmm" but also go "Awww!" "Hey, Trip?" "Yes, (y/n)-san?" You hesitated a bit from saying this. "You know, you're pretty cute when you smile." Trip blushed at your comment and looked away. "I-I'm not cute! I'm intimidating!" "Looks like someone's a tsundere." Virus said, teasing again. You laughed at his cuteness.Virus looked up at you. "Hey, (Y/N)? Are you free on Saturday?" "Yeah, why?" You asked. "Would you like to come over to our house?" He asked. Your heart was racing. "O-Okay." They both smiled at you. A light bulb went off in your brain. This would give you the story behind the "I would never hurt you" thing! Later that night when you were getting ready for bed. Your allmate, a (f/c) (f/a), was staring at your face. "(Y/N), why are you blushing so much?" You sighed. "Two days ago, I met two REALLY cute blonde guys. And today, I kind of went on a date with them, and I'm going to their house in two days. Now I can't stop thinking about them." Your allmate layed her head down and fell asleep. You looked at her and caressed her fur. You wouldn't stop thinking about them. Later that night when you slept, you had a dream about Virus and Trip. In the dream, you were making out with Trip, and Virus was kissing your neck. Both of them were touching all of your sensitive parts. When you woke up, it was still dark out, but all of sensitive places felt strange. "I am so mad that dream had to end."

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