Meeting them part 3 (Lemon)

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You woke up as nervous as can be. Today was the day you were going to their house. Today, you decided to wear a pair of (f/c) pants. You didn't want some weirdo lifting up your skirt again! You put on your (f/c) shirt and went to the bathroom to do your hair. You put it in a simple ponytail. Your allmate walked up to you. "You're going to their house, aren't you (y/n)?" "Yeah, I am. I'm super nervous, though." You picked up Akio (your allmate) and cuddled with her. "Akio, you're such a good friend." You said while caressing her fur. "Thank you, (y/n). You're a good person." You laid her on your bed for her to take a nap. You put some money in your pocket, grabbed your coil, put your shoes on and walked out. It was pretty warm out, so you figured that you didn't need a jacket. Turns out that your predictions were true. You started your long walk to the ally you all met at four days ago. "Hey there, cutie! Wanna get a few drinks." You sighed in anger. You attempted to punch the man but he grabbed both of your hands. You did not want to lose your v-card to this man. You were in love with Virus and Trip. "Not so fast, little lady." The man leaned in and attempted to kiss you but you head butted him in the face, causing him to let go of your hands. "Rgh! Why, you little....!" The man couldn't finish his sentence because he got kicked in the back of the head by Trip. "When will these guys stop trying to harass (y/n) already?!" Virus said in frustration. "Thanks Trip! That was the second time you've saved my life!" He smiled at you. "Anytime!" "We should leave right away." Virus said while looking at the passed out man. "Hey, (y/n)! Wanna ride on my back?" But before you could even answer, Trip picked up and put you on his back. "Oh, well...uh...this helps." You said while embarrassed. It was actually a pretty long walk from the ally to their house! Well, for them at least. You were actually pretty glad that Trip put you on his back. Finally after an hourlong walk, you all arrived. When you all got in, Trip picked you up bridal style and put you on the couch. "You guys have a really great house." You said while looking around. "Thank you!" Your giggled at the fact that they even spoke at the same time. Suddenly, You heard a loud growl come from the hallway. A large black lion with blue eyes plopped down beside you. You flinched in surprise. Trip knelt down and caressed the fur around the lion's neck. "Don't be scared! This my allmate! His name is Welter." You knelt down too. Welter sniffed your face and quickly started licking your face! [maybe because he smelled Trip's scent on you] It tickled you so much that you burst into laughter. "Hahahaha! Welter, stop it! That tickles!" You caressed Welter's fur as he laid his head in your lap. "Awww! I think he really likes me!" "Okay! That's enough, Welter!" You and Virus exchanged a look of 'You thinkin' what I'm thinking?' "Eh? What's wrong Trippy? Are you jealous of a lion?" "What? N-No, I'm not! And don't call me that!" Virus stepped in and said, "Yes, you are! If you weren't jealous then you wouldn't be making that face!" Trip looked away and grunted. You giggled at his cuteness. "Haha! I personally think look cute when you make that face!" Trip blushed so hard that his entire face was red. "I-I'm not cute!" "(Y/N), He's a tsundere again!" "I'm not a tsundere!" You giggled again. "Hey, (y/n). Should I show you my room?" "Okay." You followed Virus down the hall and he lead you to large black bedroom. On the right hand wall was a glass window covered by a black curtain, his bed had black sheets with a black canopy tied around all four bars on the bed, in the middle of the room was a glass table with a bottle of red wine on it, the floor had black and white tiles, and there was a desk in the left corner the room. Virus sat on the bed. "Come on, sit beside me." You did as he said and had a seat next to him. He poured a glass of wine for himself. "(Y/N), would you like some?" You politely declined. "Hey, (y/n)?" "Huh?" "Do you mind if I tell you about how I met Trip?" You were shocked at what he said. You knew that you would talk about it sooner or later, but you never thought that he would be the one bringing it up! "Yes please." Virus cleared his throat and began to speak. "You see, Trip and I met when we were children, back at Toue's facility. I could not get my nose out of books. One day, a small boy with red hair with olive green eyes arrived." "Wait, so Trip didn't always have blonde hair?" "No. Trip had many bandages on his face. He was very antisocial. He didn't like to be around other people. He wouldn't talk to anyone. He was so quiet to the point where everyone thought he didn't have vocal cords. If anyone tried to get close him, he would hit or bite them. Sometimes, he would bite so hard, that it would be enough to rip off their skin. He did this to everyone. I would not go near him. But one day, he walked up to me. At this point, I thought, Ahh, he'll just treat me just like the others." "Well, what did he do?" You asked. "Surprisingly, he didn't hit me! Instead, he would follow me. And he still does to this day. He would only speak to me. After that, Trip stopped fighting. My eyes were dark blue, but we got the eye surgery. When we left, Trip dyed his hair to the same color as mine, I asked him why he did it, but he said it was just natural. Well, that's all the details I've for you!" Virus said as he took a sip of his wine. "This explains everything!" You heard sudden hissing sound from under the bed. But then a snake with blue eyes began slithering up your leg. You froze in fear. "Oh, this is my allmate! His name is Hersha." Hearing this calmed you down a lot. "H-Hello there, Hersha." You were suddenly interrupted by Trip walking in there like he owned the place. "Yo." Virus sighed in disbelief. "You were supposed to knock." "I'm in here everyday, so who cares?" Virus gave him a death glare. "Fine, Fine. Knock, knock. That better?" "Tch." He took a seat next to you which made you a human sandwich. "Are you you sure that you don't want any wine?" You were having second thoughts. "I kinda changed my mind. Just half of a glass." But that was more like 3/4! You took a small sip. It was a combination of sweet and bitter but you drank it anyway. You were talking about stupid stuff. You and Virus were a bit giggly, he kept saying random stuff and jokes mostly because you were both tipsy. "Hehe...yo, Tripster, do ya think we should tell her?" "Yeah." They both got up, but Virus fell because he was half drunk and Trip had to help him up. You could not stop laughing. They looked at you then at each other. "Hey, (y/n). We need to tell you something." "What is it?" You said through hiccups. " You may think it's too early for this, but we actually have some very strong feelings for you." Trip said while patting your shoulder. You couldn't tell if your face was red because of what he was saying or the wine. Without thinking straight, you responded, "I have feelings for you guys too. I actually had a dream about you guys. We were doing lewd things. I think that I love you guys." They were both blushing. Virus' face was so red that it was almost the same color as the wine. "(Y/N)-san, we love too." "Guys, it's my first time, so please be gentle." "We will." Trip kissed you deeply and Virus came behind and laid small kisses on your neck. Their hands were grabbing your hips and waist. "Do you mind we...?" You nodded your head to signal 'yes'. Trip's hands went under your shirt and started groping your breasts while Virus unbuttoned your pants and slid his hand in your underwear and inserted a finger inside of you. You moaned through kisses. This was just like the dream you two days ago but even sexier. Trip had unhooked your bra and started tugging on your nipples. This caused pulled your head back and moan loudly. "You have such soft breasts, (y/n)-san." "She's so sensitive down here. We love those sweet sounds you make, (y/n)." "Ah! Guys, I'm gonna cu—Ahh!" You threw your head back as you climaxed on Virus' fingers. You laid on the bed, panting hard. Virus took off your shirt as Trip removed your pants and underwear. You watched as they undressed themselves until they were in their boxers. Trip pulled down his boxers and you were so shocked! You've never seen something so big. "Yeah, I know, It's pretty big. But I'll try to make as gentle as possible!" Trip slowly put his cock inside of you. "Tell me if it hurts and I'll stop." "Ha...o-okay." He picked you up, wrapped your legs around his waist, and slowly thrusted his dick in and out of you. "Does it hurt?" "Ah, no, it doesn't." He continued fucking your pussy. Suddenly, you felt something press against your asshole. "Sorry if this too sudden! But I wanted to join!" Virus shoved his dick inside of your ass. You were becoming more sober by every one of their thrusts. "Ah, Dude, her ass is so tight!" "How about you feel her pussy?" Virus took his dick out of your ass and put it in your pussy. This was too much for you. It felt like you were going crazy! "Guys, it feels too good!" "Ah, (y/n)! I'm gonna cum!" You all climaxed at the same time. When they pulled their dicks out, Trip's eyes were as big as saucers. "Trip, what's wrong?" "Um...what does all this blood mean?!" Virus looked over your shoulder and at his dick. "You idiot, that blood means she lost her virginity!" "Oh, thank god! I thought something terrible happened!"

2 months later....
"(Y/N), what's the matter?" "Yeah, you've been puking a lot lately." You came out of the bathroom with your hands behind your back. "Guys, please don't be mad but...." You pulled out a positive pregnancy test from behind your back. Trip's face drained color. "Are you serious? We're not mad! We're proud!" "Thanks guys!" They both hugged you tightly and kissed both of your cheeks.

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