Reverse Trap (lemon)

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(Das meh OC in the pic)

I look like a guy, act like a guy, some say that I even SOUND like a guy! No, I'm not a Trans guy or anything. I just like wearing male clothes because it feels comfortable. I'm a girl with short (H/C) hair. I wear a white shirt with a (F/C) necktie and some black pants. Oh, now I see why people think I'm male...
I was going to work. The good thing about looking like a boy is that you don't get
catcalled. But you do get girls staring at you. While I was walking, I saw a group of girls staring me then whisper to one another. I ignored them until I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turn around and see that it's one of the girls. "Hey, are you single?" She tried to make herself look sexy. "Sorry, but I don't wanna mingle!" I turned back and kept walking. Her and her friends ran after me. "How dare you break her heart?!" "Yeah! We think you could be the perfect boyfriend for her!" I was panicking but I looked behind me and saw my two of my best friends, Virus and Trip! They know that I'm a girl and how to get me out of situations like this. "Sorry, but I wouldn't make a good boyfriend for any of you!" "Of course you would!" Virus put an arm around my shoulder. "Babe, are these girls bothering you?" "Babe?!" "Yup, babe." I said with a smug smirk. Trip walked up to us. "Sorry ladies, but the man meat is all ours." "You should probably get out of here before we have a gay threesome!" "Ugh! Whatever! Let's leave!" They all power walked away. "Heh, once again, right place, right time!" They both laughed. "It seems that anywhere we go, we run into you." "Well, we should get going to our own separate ways. Bye bye, (Y/N)-san." "See you later, (Y/N)." "Bye guys."
Work was pretty normal. Since I asked Virus and Trip to meet me at my house the day before so I could help them with their documents, I expected them to be waiting for me. I unlocked the door and slipped off my shoes. I walked to the living room to see them on their coils. "You guys still working?" "We were just finishing up." Virus said while giving me a smile. I walked to my bedroom and changed. I took off my tie and pants. All of my shirts were pretty big so I just slept in them. I walked back to the living room to see if they went home yet. I almost fell back when I saw that they were still there. Since I love to tease them, I decided to walk around in only my shirt. It was so fun watching them lick their lips while trying to hide their erections. I sat down on my knees in the middle of the room while giving a seductive smirk. "Guys, I'm bored!" I said while winking. "What do ya wanna do then?" Trip said while undoing his suspenders. He knew what I was thinking, and I knew what he was thinking. I unbuttoned my shirt. Since I was wearing no panties, so they saw everything. I rubbed my nipples while watching them stroke their cocks. "Mmh...This your first time seeing a girl naked?" "Hell yeah, it is!" Virus said while coming over to me. I leaned over and shoved his cock in my mouth. Fun fact, this was my first time giving a blowjob. I haven't even given a handjob, and I had him tilting his head back! "Ah, fuck! Who new such a cute boy could be a girl!" "Heheh, shut—Ahh!" I was cut mid sentence because I felt a something rub against my clit. I looked back to see Trip rubbing his dick against my pussy while smirking. "You're so fucking wet! This'll slide in just easily!" I gagged as Virus grabbed a handful of my hair and shoved his dick in my mouth, almost going down my throat! "Don't stop now, honey! You still have a lot sex to look forward to!" I felt Trip's dick slide inside of me. I whimpered in pain a bit, but overall, it started to feel pretty good! "Whoa! You weren't lying when you said you were a virgin! You're pretty much bleeding your life out!" "He's not lying. I'm looking down and I could see it." I knew that I was in one of most sensitive points. I felt my hips becoming weak and my neck muscles becoming numb. Suddenly, everything else left my mind. Their dicks were all I could think about. I was just so laid back about the whole thing. "Ah! I'm gonna cum!" "I am to...!" Virus literally ALMOST got cum DOWN my throat while Trip pulled out and came. "(Y/N), why do you look dead?" "Well, I'm not." "It's getting pretty late. We should leave. See ya." "Later, alligatord." When they left, I had to crawl on the couch and sleep on it because Trip fucking wrecked my pelvis.

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