Nailing Virus (Lemon)

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I dragged Virus off of my sofa. It wasn't very hard, he was surprisingly light! I managed to get him to my bedroom and lay him on my bed.  I put him face down ass up, just like how I did with Trip. I tied his hand to his ankles. I figured he had some drinks and got high, so I figured he would take longer to wake up, so to buy some time, I stuck a few vibrators in Trip. Finally Virus woke up! "Rise and shine, knucklehead!" I said with a slight smirk. He sighed. "(Y/N), why are my hands tied up? And more importantly, why am I in your room?" I walked over to him. "You and Trip came over here high and uninvited." I walked behind him and took off his belt. "What the? H-hey! (Y/N)! What are you doing?!" "Getting payback!" I said while I pulled down his pants and underwear. His asshole looked so tiny! I shoved two of my fingers inside of him as he yelped a bit. "Ngh! Ah! (Y/N)-san!" "That feel good?" I moved my fingers faster and even added a third one! "Wow, such a tight asshole." "D-don't say things like tha—Ah!" He buried his face into my pillows. I assumed he was trying to muffle his voice. I frowned. "Hey! Don't stop yourself! I wanna hear those cute little sounds that you make!" I removed my fingers from inside Virus and I rubbed my pleasure tool against his hole. "Are you ready, knucklehead?" "(Y-Y/N)-san! Wai—Mfh! Ah! Ah!" I shoved it inside of him and slowly began to fuck him. Damn, he was so cute! I put my hands on his hips to keep him in place and moved my hips faster. "(Y/N)! It's starting to get a bit painfu—A-ah!" "Don't worry! It's gonna feel good soon!" I took my hand off of his hip and began to stroke his cock but this time, I moved my hips at a bit of a slower pace. Very soon, his cries of pain quickly became moans of pleasure! "How does it feel now?" "A-ah! It's a bit —Ngh! Better..." "Good!" I thrusted into him a bit faster, which I think was a good pace for Virus because, OH DAMN, his moans were so loud you could hear them from Europe! "Oh, Mh! (Y/N), I think I'm gonna cum!" "Feel free to climax!" Literally FIVE fucking thrust later, he came! I've gotta admit, he came A LOT! He came so much that it even got on me! I pulled it out of Virus. I took off the dildo and took a look at Virus. Yup! Just like I thought! Stretched out ass. "(Y/N), can you untie me?" I sighed. "Okay." When I got done, he looked at me with a confused look in his face. "(Y/N), we can still hang out, right?" I smiled at him. "Of course we can! But only more than friends!"

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