The Past

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I was left on a roadside when I was ten by my family and I never saw them since. I was taken in to a place where people experimented on children. I've been there for about two years and now I know my way around. I'm one of the the only females here, which doesn't really bother me.
I woke up and went to the children's area to just go do my own thing. On my my there, I bumped into a tall boy with blonde hair, dark blue eyes, and glasses. His name was Virus. He was the one of the quiet ones. "(Y/N), I overheard that we're getting a new kid today." "We are?" "Well, that's what I heard. I'll observe what he does and bring you back the information." I knew what all the kids in the facility looked like, so I'm pretty sure I would be able to spot this new kid in a crowd. I walked to the kids' area and went to the serving station to get my breakfast. When I got my meal I sat down and started eating. At the corner of my eye, I saw someone walk by at stop when they got to me. I looked up at them and saw a short boy with red hair, he had olive green eyes and his face a bit bandages on it. The kid looked about ten years old. This had to be the new kid. He didn't really do anything he just stared at me. I just looked back down and continued eating and he walked away. 'What the hell was that about' I thought to myself. I just ignored it for the rest of the time. An hour later, I went to an area where kids read, write, or draw. I got a book and read for a bit. When I was about 2 chapters in the book when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I looked up and saw Virus. "Virus? What is it?" "(Y/N), I think I just saw the new kid." I closed my book and put my head in my hands. "What happened?" "The kid was sitting down, someone tried to talk to him and the kid punched them in the face!" "What did the kid look like?" I asked. "The kid was about as tall as you, he had red haired, olive green eyes, and a few bandages on his face." I paused. I could not believe my ears. I saw that SAME kid at breakfast. Thank god I listen to my gut feeling and didn't talk to him! "Virus, I think I saw that same kid at breakfast." "You did?" "Yeah! He just stood next to me! Thank god I didn't do anything to aggravate him!" "I'll go observe any other strange acts he does." "That sounds good." I just sat in that area trying to find why the kid did what he did. Was he just in a bad mood? It was a very hard question to answer.

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