Chapter Twenty-Five

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“Stop the wedding!” I screamed as I ran into the church. Harry and Claire looked at me.

“You can’t do this!” I said. “She’s not right for you.”

“I know.” Harry said, stepping away from her, “I belong with you.”

I woke up with a start. It was just a dream. I looked around my apartment, same apartment, same clothes scattered on the floor that I forgot to pick up, still weird combination of Chanel perfume and garbage in the air. I ran my hands through my hair. I was going to be late, although it didn’t really matter. I could walk in 3 hours late and no one would bat an eyelid. That was one of the perks about my new job at Glamour. It didn’t hurt that I was the best journalist on my floor.

I got up and got ready quickly and grabbed my IPod on my way out. I had a lot of time on my hands now, time for things like discovering music and books that I hadn’t had time for before. I put in my ear buds and started walking. Best Song Ever came on and I quickly changed it. It had been a year since the wedding, and I haven’t seen Harry or Claire since. I had ignored the tabloids about them; it was easy since the fashion world could care less about One Direction. I used to listen to their music, smiling whenever Harry’s solos would come on but I couldn’t anymore. One note from him and I would spend the rest of the day in a fog, trying to analyze every line. Liam still called and texted me occasionally, usually with a joke or a picture of where the band was. He talked about Harry occasionally but other than that he didn’t talk about him. Once he handed his phone to Harry while I was talking to him so he could do a mike check.

“Hey Harry.” I had said, trying not to sound too eager.

“Hi Emma.” His voice was raspier than normal. It sent chills down my spine.

“How’s London?” I asked.

“Good. How’s New York?”

“It’s…” Horrible, I miss you, I love you, Please come here. “It’s good.” Liam had taken his phone back before we could talk more. That conversation had played through my mind for days on end.

I went into the office and sat down at my desk. I loved my job, it kept my mind off things but some days like today, I couldn’t help but wonder what could have been. My phone rang as I was leaving and I answered it as I got into the elevator.

“Hey Emma”

“Hey Liam, how’s it going?”

“Good, listen can you meet me at the coffee shop on sixth in 10 minutes?”

“Of course!” I said, surprised he was in New York.

“Great. See you then.” He hung up and I quickly hailed a taxi. 

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