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He was facing the world's current most dangerous dragon. Darkstalker, son of Prince Arctic and Queen Vigilance. Qibli still hasn't understood that part yet. But he knew somethings and this was one of them, his name was not Kimble.

"I'm Qibli, not Kimble," he said as Moon walked up and brushed wings with him, her tears were not yet dry, but she looked very dangerous anyway and very beautiful.

Darkstalker smiled as if he could hear everyone's plan in whole Phyrria. His smile froze Qibli, it looked so like the other Darkstalker. 

"And you know I don't care, Kimble?" he bellowed, his voice seemed a bit hollower, like someone talking in a cave. 

Qibli bit his tongue, no comebacks. He won't take it well, he thought, projecting his mind to Darkstalker. This dragon could hear his thoughts, that where Qibli could try and weaken him.

Just as planned, Darkstalker flinched. 

"Not take what? Come with all you got, Kimble!"  Darkstalker said, eyes filled with anger.

"Oh, sorry, I didn't know the all-powerful Darkstalker would forget the name of a stupid sandwing, such as myself,"Qibli said trying to look innocent.

"Forget your name? Oh, I see what you are trying to do..."

" are trying to lower my self-esteem? Won't happen, don't even think about it, Kimble," 

Um, well, he was more stupid than Qibli thought. Or maybe he should stop underestimating Darkstalker. He underestimated him the first time, it won't happen again. 

That crazy king isn't as stupid as he may seem. Just stick to the original plan.

"I am dying to know, how did you outdo my spell?" Darkstalker asked, brushing the dust off of some of his scales.

"Why, would he tell you?" Moon asked, "After what you did to him!"

"I did what?" Darkstalker asked playing dumb and waving his hand as if shooing an annoying bug.

"You! You played with our worst nightmares, you played with our feelings like they were toys!" Moon yelled and Qibli nodded angrily.

"So?" he asked checking his claws.

Qibli bit back curses. His claws scratched the floor. 

Moon was shaking. Her eyes shot in anger.

"Release our friends! Now!" Qibli ordered. His order didn't seem very menacing, though.

"Why? Oh, I know, I got the deal of a century. You tell me how you got out and I release your friends? Great deal right?" Darkstalker stated with a smile.

"What's the catch, monster?" Moon growled, which wasn't like her.  

Yes, what was the catch. Well, Darkstalker could always lie and kill them all. How to make Darkstaker tell the truth? 

"The catch?" Darkstalker answered, "Well supposedly, I could kill you if you don't tell me. I don't think you can consider a catch at your position,"

"What?" Moon asked.

"I mean if I break the deal what can you do? Fight me? Ha, how? I have the upper hand, not you, so you can't question my deal. Take it or leave it and die," Darkstalker smiled as if he had already won.

That wasn't supposed to happen! The new plan, new plan! 

How could Qibli not have thought about this possibility? He is going to fail this!

Moon looked at him with sad eyes. I'm sorry, Qibli tried to say to her. They nodded to each other a kind message passed through.

"Fine, we take your deal," she muttered angrily, stepping nearer to Qibli, their scales touched and their eyes met. This was their last adventure. They'll do it together. Together forever.   

Darkstalker smiled and clapped his talons together.

"Perfect! How did you escape, no lies or I will kill you and your friends," the giant said calmly with a handsome smile on his handsome face.

"Okay, I escaped by..." Qibli mumbled trying to buy the most time. He tried finding and offer to give Darkstalker. Was him wasting time hurting his friends in some ways? Or was him delaying his answer going to kill his friends? Fast, a plan!

His mind started working. Very fast in a few seconds. 

"Oh, I know, I got the deal of a century!" Qibli smiled, trying to make the best imitation of Darkstalker's voice and smile. 

"How about, we help you with your spell and then you release our friends?" Qibli explained simply, keeping his smile. It was hard, after everything that has happened.

"What spell?"

"The one to bring Silverheart back, you know," Qibli said seeing Darkstalker flinch, he knew he got to the point. Qibli could also relate, he remembered his dream of being an animus and casting his first spell for everyone to like him. Now that idea seemed a bit weird now he thought of it. 

If Moon left him, he didn't think he could ever recover. Most of the reason he wanted to live was Moon. The love of his life. 

"I mean, if you kill us, I could never help you, I am very helpful, you know and smart," the sandwing stated as Moon nodded understanding what will be happening.

"Nnn...stupid sand dragon!" the king growled.

Qibli smiled naturally now, waiting for an answer, he was pretty sure he had the upper hand now.

"Fine!" Darkstalker said after many minutes of thinking and breaking two wooden tables.

How can I play this off? Make a spell, that was the first thing to do. 

"Well, let's start, shall we?" Qibli managed to say. His courage had left him right after the second table was thrown to his face. Luckily the table missed.

"First you will tell me how you plan to write this spell!" Darkstalker growled annoyed.

"Fine..."Qibli started.

This chapter's title was chosen, because of Darkstalker agreeing to Qibli's deal, because of his love towards Silverheart. So Darkstalker's decision was only based on his love towards Silverheart, that's why he agreed. He needed to bring her back.


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