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(Sorry everyone for not writing in so long)


Kinkajou gave fruits to each of her friends. Winter received a red, ball-like fruit. 

"Err, so I just eat this? Do I have to peel something?" Winter asked looking at Qibli peeling off yellow skin to eat the inside. Kinkajou laughed, Moon gave him a slight smile, Qibli giggled as Turtle hid his face with his wing. 

" No silly, you eat it just like that. Except if you just want to peel it. Did you forget what Clay thought us at school? That's an apple." Moon said coming towards him. Their wingtips touched as their eyes met. Her eyes into his's. That moment felt like nothing else mattered, except each other. 

Moon immediately recoiled at his touch, blushing furiously and walked away to Qibli.

"Oh," Winter replied shoulders falling at Moon's fast movement. More pieces broke from his heart and Winter felt them fall into oblivion. 


Why did she have to love Qibli?

Why not him?  

What did he do to deserve this from her? 

For the rest of the time, everyone stayed silent. Only the sound of soft crunching could be heard. Winter didn't eat, he felt hollow again like he did every time Moon rejected him. He kept on staring at the round fruit in front of his claws. Winter could see a little bit of a reflection like himself.

"So, anyone, any ideas? What should we do next?" Kinkajou's voice broke the heavy silence once again. Winter lifted his head. He glimpsed Moon and Qibli, talons together and laughing silently. Winter turned, face red.

When will I find love?

Do I have to accept the truth? 

Why does it hurt so much?

What would happen to me? 

I want Moon-

Something moved the ground, shaking everyone. I made Winter ill, it was like the time when the Darkstalker awoke. The ground shook again. Winter's first thought was: MOON?! Where is she? Is she safe?

Turns out she wasn't and neither was Qibli. They were huddled together trying to walk towards a cave, when the wind started blowing harder. He had to save them. Then Moon would forgive him. 

Winter clawed his way to them and started  pushing both into the cave, where Kinkajou and Turtle arrived shortly afterwards.

"What was that?" Qibli asked voice echoing in the cave.

"I don't know." Turtle said voice trembling. 

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