Chapter Five

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I take a few steps forward, my dress brushing the edges of the lounge chairs. A gentle breeze brushes the tendrils of my hair against my neck and cheek as I walk the length of the pool to reach the short wall at the very end. I rest my arms on it and stare at the view. Half the pool was exposed to the night air. I turn and lean back, staring up at the stars.
It was truly a beautiful night. I drop my gaze and see my husband, waiting unhurriedly at the front of the pool.

Yes, truly the most beautiful night of my life.

I start back towards my husband, stopping only when I reach a few feet before him.

He walks back out the door and I follow. The door closes behind us, only the absence of the sound of the breeze and the lack of blue lighting proof for it.

My husband walks us down the path towards the living space once more, except, instead of taking the step down, he continued to the wooden wall, along which the screen was mounted. He turns as if sensing my confusion, walking backwards until he reaches the wall. 

His lips lift in a secretive smile as he folded one leg at the knee and rests the back of his shoe against the wall. The panel swivels on an axis and my husband's smile widens to a smirk at my gasp.

The centres of the top and bottom of the panel were rooted to a rotating point on the floor and ceiling that allowed it to turn. I stride after him as he holds the door open for me with a palm.

I step inside and smile widely. It was a lovely little private lounge. It had its own screen on the wall, comfortable looking grey couches, pastel coloured cushions on the floor and nooks to stretch out against the wall. Oh! I could write in so many spots in this room.

There was even a fireplace to the immediate left of where we had entered with with some single-seater arm chairs arranged around it.
I see three doors along the walls of the room. Two were side by side and the third in its lonesome, adjacent to the two.

"Which one is ours?" I ask my husband, turning around to face him.

He walks over to me without meeting my eyes as he pulls out his wallet.

He holds up a light lavender card that he had removed from his wallet.

"This is the key to the house. You don't have to be scanned in each time." He says. He holds it out to me.

I take it from him.

He holds out another card to me, a shiny black. I recognised this.

"This is your credit card." He says and places it in my hand.

I see my name written on it. Alanna Kri. It takes all my restraint not to trace my fingers over the print.

"All your personal identity will arrive tomorrow with your changed name." He lashes lift, "I had presumed you would like your name changed. If not, we—"

"No." I interrupt, "I would like to take your name."

His gaze meets mine and I burn for a minute. He nods and hands me another card, this one deep blue.

"This is your debit card." He says, "Linked to my account."

I blink, then laugh. "What would I possibly do with all these cards?" I ask.

He looks at me a moment.

"The world is your oyster, Alanna."
He finally replies, his voice soft.

Wings take flight in my stomach at his tone. At his words and the thread of connection they had to symbolism of what he was giving me. I manage a nod. 

TimeBound (Time Tells #1) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now