Chapter Twelve

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One day ago...

@wordwizard: Are you going to ignore my calls forever?

@GDDJ: I'm not ignoring you Pearl keeps cutting your calls from MY phone

@cuttingbitch: @wordwizard yes screw you. @GDDJ how dare you

@wordwizard: when are you deciding to grow up @cuttingbitch

@cuttingbitch: not anytime soon

@wordwizard: I'll treat you for lunch

@GDDJ @cuttingbitch

@GDDJ: I'm in

@cuttingbitch: @GDDJ no you're not

@GDDJ: pearl...

@cuttingbitch: are you freaking serious right now????????

@cuttingbitch is offline
@GDDJ is offline


@wordwizard: I'm counting to five.

@GDDJ: oh oh

@cuttingbitch: that only worked when you were my best friend!!!

@wordwizard: One.

@GDDJ: hey I'm already in...

@cuttingbitch: @wordwizard ITS NOT WRKING @GDDJ NO. YOU'RE.  NOT.

@wordwizard: Two.

@cuttingbitch: @wordwizard STOP THAT RIGHT NOW. I DON'T CARE

@wordwizard: FOUR.

@cuttingbitch: @wordwizard WHER DID THREE GO BITCH!!

@wordwizard is typing...

@cuttingbitch: @wordwizard  FINE!!!!! STOP COUNTING ALREADY WE R NOT FIVE.

@wordwizard: 😏

@GDDJ: finally

@cuttingbitch: @wordwizard @GDDJ bitches

@cuttingbitch is offline

@GDDJ: usual spot? Same time?

@wordwizard: Yep. See you'll there.

@cuttingbitch is online.

@cuttingbitch is typing...

@cuttingbitch: @wordwizard 🖕

@wordwizard: @cuttingbitch eloquent 😁

@cuttingbitch is offline.


I had started a new practice. Why?

To get a rise out of my husband?

Because it was fun?

Because despite everything (aka his spontaneous bear-like grumpy tendencies) I wasn't scared of him?

All of the above?

The practice was, calling my husband every three hours. Why? The answer was many-fold.

The first time, I'd forgotten how to spell the word among. Something about the word just looked wrong and the longer I stared at it, the worst it became.

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