Chapter Twenty Eight

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He stays the night, worshipping me with his lips. But all he does and all he allows me to do is kiss. He leaned away when I touched the buttons of his shirt, a simple shake of his head at me to indicate no and bent his head once more to drag his lips along my jaw.

"Why?" I whisper after some time when my scrambled thoughts have a chance to recuperate into sense, as my husband draws my chin in between his teeth. I shudder when he bites.


That's all he says. And after that, I can barely think beyond his hands and his lips and his hot breath against me. The smell of his aftershave overwhelms me, adding to the natural scent of his skin that reminded me of earth and rain. I drag it into my lungs as I curl my fingers in his hair and tug sharply.

The next second, he's pulling me up and I'm straddling him, my feet on either side of his waist as he sits up with his back against the headboard.

My hair falls like a curtain around us as my husband looks up at me with his glowing eyes that were swirling with a vengeance.

I smile, because I know that it was an indication of his lapse in control. I seat myself against him and his fingers tighten around my waist. I toss him a smile as I trail kisses along his jaw.

"Tell me something." I ask him, suddenly desperate to hear his voice.

When I look up, I see his lids are closed and his long lashes casting shadows over his darker cheek. I shiver and his hand runs up my spine.

"Like what?" My husband murmurs and his voice is a low intimate timbre that sends sparks through my blood. I find the lobe of his ear and draw it between my lips.

"Like a secret." I whisper.

He tilts his head, his nose skating the line of my throat. I lean back.

"A secret about what?"

"You." I breathe, my lashes closing as my husband peppers kisses along my throat. My stomach tumbles on itself as my heart bursts against my ribs.

"I love the smell of your skin." He confesses and I feel the flare of his nostrils as he draws my scent deep inside him.

I shudder and curl my fingers against the fabric of his shirt.

"Me too." I find myself saying. Then, I lean back and catch his left hand in mine, drawing it to my lips. I allow myself to take in the glow of the gold band in the dull lighting before placing his hand against my cheek.

He had leaned back to see what I would do and his eyes were now glowing a soft blue.

"Another." I demand, moving myself closer to him so I can press my lips to his cheek. My hands raise to curl themselves around the collar of his shirt.

He splays his hand against my back and holds me in place—leaning into him with my lips against his cheek.

"Your turn." He says.

"Okay." I agree easily. But before I can confess anything, he speaks.

"Why were you never with anyone before?" He asks.

I push against the hand that holds me in place so I can lean back and look at him. I watch him for a few moments.

His expression was unreadable, but his thumb drew circles on either side of my hip where they held me.

"Why would I want to be with anyone else?" I whispered, "I've been waiting for you."

His gaze grows further hooded, but before anything could happen, I speak.

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