Chapter Twenty Nine

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"I'm going to camp out here all night, I swear to God." I slam the side of my fist against the door and feel the pain of it rattle into my bones. I wince, but ignore it, straining my ears for a reply.

"Kri." I slam my fist into the door again. I begin banging like a manic, pain slamming through my wrist and palms.

When the door opens suddenly, I almost tip over.

An arm catches me easily, stopping me from falling over.

"For God's sake, Alanna." He says in a soft voice, his fingers curling around my wrist and bringing my hands up to his view. I rip my hands out of his hold, glaring up at him.

"Let's make one thing very clear," I say, my voice low as I glare up into his icy blues, "I will always do whatever it takes to protect the ones I love. Yes, I would have married whoever it was. It would kill me, but I would have done it. Because that's what we do for family. If you think I was marrying another man with lots of love and rainbows and imagined walking into the sunset with him, get that out of your mind right now. I would have been a walking corpse. Dead in every way that counts. I wouldn't even have existed, I would have maybe died in my sleep that very night. Don't think you know me or my decisions or what I feel."

With that I'm whipping away from him and the door of my room shuts behind me without giving me the pleasure of banging it closed.

I stand a few feet before the door, my fingers clenched, fuming. My face is hot. My blood was boiling my heart was racing against my chest, dragging my emotions along in the rush of adrenaline. I glare darkly into my room, unseeing. It takes me a long few moments, before I can breathe again. I let out a breath. Then another.

I walk over to my bed and drop down, my elbows on my knees and my face in my arms. I press my eyes closed, trying to think through the haze that was slowly clearly.

The smell of my husband fills me from where my fingers were clenched in his hair. I pull my hands away and drop back. I stare up at the ceiling.

Even in the darkness his words ring in my ears.

"You should have waited for me."

I have been waiting. All my life.

What did he know of it?

Had he waited a damn day for me?

I almost get back to my feet and march out to scream these questions at him.

I almost scream them at the door. To the ceiling. Into the air.

"I would have fucking waited."

A tear slips free.

I would have too. But I wasn't given that choice.

Another tornado of anger spirals through me at his back and forth. He either liked me or he didn't. How could he be both? Both those men?

The man that was always always angry with me and the man that was never ever angry with me. How?

I suddenly have more energy than I know what to do with. The tips of my fingers, my feet..hell my whole body tingled with it. Letting out an unintelligible sound, I roll to my feet and stalk out the door.

"And for your information—" I eat a face full of white shirt when I walk right into my husband's chest. I reflexively drop my hands against his chest and steady myself.

"Mrs. Kri, I have to warn you..." Houston suddenly says, "You're on a collision course!"

Sudden sounds of metal crashing against metal and booms are heard through the house, followed by a giggle. 

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