Chapter Thirty One

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It's two days after that evening. I'm unable to sit still in my very spot. The pit of my stomach is squeezing, my heart pounds suddenly for no reason. The emotions that accompany these physical reactions were absent, but my body was going stir crazy.

All I knew was..something was wrong. Off. As if an untuned chord had been stuck inside me and it was vibrating a note that was off key. It became louder as time went and I grabbed my phone to dial a call through to my husband. As always he didn't pick up my call.

An urgency mounted inside me and my ears started to ring. I sent a call through to Bal and requested a ride to Kri's workplace. Bal had the car ready in minutes and I all but jumped into it. I wrung my hands together, waiting impatiently to get to Kri. What had happened? Why was my heart beating an uneven rhythm inside me?

"Did you hear anything from Kri?" I asked Bal while watching his profile from where he sat in the driver's seat, carefully, for any changes in his expression.

There were none, other than confusion. Barely.

"No, ma'am." He says. I don't even correct him and ask him to call me Alanna. I'm too worried. My nerves are frayed by the time I get there. My hands are on the lever as I see the office come into view. I pull it open and am out of the car even before Bal has stopped the vehicle. I hail the elevator and step in, shutting it and pressing the button that leads to Kri's level. I would've preferred to foot it with all the energy inside me, but he was too high up for me to make it there fast. I was shifting and tapping my foot and all over the place by the time the damn elevator stopped. As soon as it did, I crossed the threshold, unbothered that there were people waiting to get in as I excused my way through the throng.

I stopped only when I saw Orre. She stopped mid step when she saw me. Her usually coiffed hair was in a little of a disarray today like she'd run her hands through it a few times. She looked restless like she'd been pacing and didn't know what to do with all the energy. I went straight to her.

"Is he ok?" Before she could answer my eyes caught on the door of his office, "Is he in there?"

In my peripheral I saw her nod and the next thing I knew I was at his door and my hand was pressing on the handle to get it to open. The handle wouldn't move all the way and I realized the door was locked on the inside. I dropped my head against the door, praying that he was okay. I thumped the door once.

"Kri, it's me ... open the door... please." I could feel something behind the door. As if a storm was brewing, the wood vibrating with it. I don't even know if Kri heard me.

I called out again, "I'm worried. Let me in."

The door clicks and I waste no time opening the door and stepping in. The door slams shut behind me and locks. I don't even wince, because I can literally see nothing. Despite it being a bright afternoon, the whole room was plunged in shadows as if it were in the middle of the night and the room had no windows, and I knew for a fact that Kri's wall was made of glass that overlooked the city. I couldn't even see my hand in front of me. It was as if the glass wall didn't even exist.

"Kri.." I whisper, my eyes frantically trying to catch some light in the darkness. But I can't see anything. "I need to see you," I say, my hands flexing with the need to touch him, see that he's okay ... to breathe.

Shadows a few feet before me part and reveal my husband. He stands leaning against the edge of his table. His arms are crossed over his chest and his feet are stretched out before him. He's looking away in a direction where I can neither see his eyes nor his expression. He isn't wearing his jacket. His white shirt is a little wrinkled and so are his dark grey pants. Staggering relief pounds through me and I almost sway at the head rush it causes.

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