Chapter Thirty Six

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My fingers clutch tighter at the straps of my bag as Kri walks slowly over to where I stand. But to my surprise, all he does is close his eyes and lean his forehead against mine. Then he blows a slow breath out.

"And leaving me is the way to get me back?" He asks me.

I shake my head just a little, not wanting to dislodge his forehead against mine.

"I'm not leaving you. I'm giving you what you asked for." I murmur.

I open my eyes when he leans back to look at me.

"What I asked for?"

"You said I should have waited for you." I explain, "That's what I'm going to to. Whether you take fifteen years or five days, I'm going to be waiting for you to be ready."

He watches me a moment, before cupping the nape of my neck and hauling me closer to press my face against his.

"Alanna." He murmurs.

I pucker my lips, brushing his cheek with a soft kiss. But he turns his head, catching my kiss with one of his own. This kiss is as forceful as the previous, but with different emotion. My lips fall open below his and I sigh into him.

He's leaning closer now, his fingers clutching at my waist.

"Don't leave now," He says as he kisses me, "Give me tonight."

I've wrapped my fingers around the back of his neck, pulling myself closer to him even as I shake my head.

"No." I whisper, drawing him back in for a kiss.

"One night." He murmurs.




Now he's got a single hand splayed against my back and has pressed me right up against him. I make a sound of astonishment against his lips and lean my head back when his lips skim over my jaw.

"One hour." He hedges.

I tilt my head back, pressing my cheek against his lips. He immediately presses a kiss to my cheek.

"If I don't leave now, I'll never leave." I confess, my eyes still closed as my husband presses another sweet kiss to my cheek.

"That's what I'm counting on." He murmurs and I feel the smile curving his lips.

I laugh and slowly lean away.

He looks at me, his hands falling away from my waist.

"You're not angry?" He confirms.
I shake my head no.

"You're not leaving?"

Again, no.

"You're still...your feelings haven't...changed?" He phrases the question carefully.

I smile, "No. They never will."

He steps back closer, "Then say it."

I raise a brow, "What?"

His finger traces my lower lip, his gaze caught on my mouth with an obsession that was not sexual. No, this obsession was completely of the soul.

His gaze flicks up for one second, before he's looking at my mouth again, "You know what."

"I love you."

Despite no change in his expression, I notice his shoulders lower a smidge, his jaw relax and the quiet but deep breath he drags in.

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