Chapter Seven

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I wake slowly, blinking my eyes open and it takes me not even a second to know where I was.

The curtains part slowly as morning light streams in.

"Good morning Mrs. Kri. It's eight AM."

I'm given details on the weather, my schedule from my calendar, the number of words I had completed as per schedule and how many more I had to go and finally a reminder of the date to submit my first draft.

I smile widely as I toss my covers off.

I wonder if Kri had woken. I get off the bed and the bed promptly makes itself. My brows raise. Okay, then.

I stalk straight to the bathroom and brush my teeth with vigour. I look into the mirror and see wide hazel eyes, sparkling. My cheeks were coloured and healthy. My hair...

Could be better.

I laugh at myself and quickly pull it up into a knot at the top of my head and tug at the front to ease the pressure off of it.

All I had to do was walk out of my room and I could see Kri. Happiness bubbles and froths over. I do a little jig, walk back into my room, grab my phone and leave. I stop outside his door and hesitate.

I raise my hand to knock. My fist hovers before the door for half a minute before I bite my lip and take the plunge. I knock.

My heart pounds.

I wait.

My brows furrow after a minute of silence. I wet my lips and knock once more.

"Kri?" I call.

No answer.

No sounds. Nothing.

Maybe he was already outside. I perk up, walking towards the swivel door and pushing past it.

The whole space was well lit from the sunlight streaming in through the glass walls. I walk into the room.

The living space is empty.

"Kri?" I call.

I continue walking towards the kitchen. At exactly that moment, a fair haired Yade pops her head out of the kitchen. I blink. She seemed in her late twenties. A turquoise head band keeping her hair off her face.

"Hello." I say.

She smiles widely, her teeth flashing.

"Hello." She says. I like her voice immediately. It's soft and kind. I walk towards her. She's wearing a simple flowy dress, a deep blue in colour.
I come to stand before her and she comes to my shoulder.

"I'm Hrei." She says said I see her knit her fingers together as if keeping them from doing something.

I hold my hand out to her.

"I'm Alanna."

She beams at me and takes my hand into both of hers.

"It's really lovely to meet you!" She says, her eyes a dark brown that shimmered with her sincerity.

I smile at her and my nose catches the smell of food. My eyes widen.

"That smells lovely." I whisper, my eyes locked on the stove.

"Please, sit. Let me get you something." She says.

I float to the breakfast counter, place my phone on it and settle on the chair and swivel to face her.

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